Liturgical Propers
Divine Liturgy, Matins and VespersThis duplicate page will be combined with our main page of on June 16 2023, please find this page on the Eparchy of Edmonton’s website menu bar.
Nov 29; Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 1
Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 1; The Holy Martyr Paramon (249-51), the Holy Martyr Philomenus (270-75); Our Father Acacius, of Whom Testimony is Found in the Ladder of Divine Ascent Great Vespers and Divine Liturgy GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed...
I was baptized in a Catholic Church as an infant. Do I have to become a Catholic?
Question answered by: Fr. Jim Response: Thank you for your question. The fact that you were baptized Catholic as an infant means that you are Catholic, but there are additional considerations that need to be explored: 1) Were you baptized as a member of the...
Does the Eparchy keep ex-communication records?
Question Answered by: Chancery Office Response: No. Our Eparchy has never excommunicated an individual and does not keep records on ex-communications.
Entrance of the Holy Mother of God into the Temple (Nov. 21) Activities for the Domestic Church (Family)
If you don’t have an icon for the Feast you can print one at Learn about it: Access the Bozhi Dity (God’s Little Children) lesson on the Edmonton Eparchy Website. You will learn about the Feast and have fun decorating candles to carry in...
Explanation of the Entrance of the Holy Mother of God into the Temple Icon
What we know about the Entrance of the Theotokos into the temple comes to us from Sacred Tradition. The most significant source that speaks about the early life of the Mother of God is the Protoevangelium of James. We learn that Joachim and Anna, who were childless...
Pastoral Letter of the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church of 2020
ONLY ONE THING WILL REMAIN YOURS – THAT WHICH YOU HAVE GIVEN TO THE POOR Pastoral Letter of the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church of 2020 to the clergy, religious, and laity Very Reverend and Reverend Fathers! Venerable Brothers and Sisters in...
Does the Ukrainian Catholic Church celebrate the feast of Saint Constantine and Saint Helena?
Constantine the Great and his mother Helena are saints and we celebrate them on May 21. Most Orthodox churches also venerate them as saints. The Roman Catholic Church also regards them as saints. In southern Italy and some parts of Spain there are churches dedicated...
Nov 20; Forefeast of the Entrance of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Temple; Blessed Josaphata Hordashevska
Forefeast of the Entrance of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Temple; Blessed Josaphata Hordashevska, First Superior of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate (+1919); Our Venerable Father Gregory of Decapolis (842); Our Holy Father Proclus GREAT VESPERS Kathisma...
Nov 22; Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 8
Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 8; Post-feast of the Entrance of the Mother of God; The Holy Apostle Philemon and those with him GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 8 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may...
Christmas With Camp St. Basil
We are so excited to share that we will be hosting a Christmas camp from Dec. 27-31! Join our Christmas themed games, crafts, and a lesson on the Christmas story! Details: December 28-31 2020, 10:00 to 11:15 A.M. MST Cost: FREE OF CHARGE Ages: Attendees are required...
Rev. Dr. Athanasius McVay Elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
“This is a great honour awarded for Fr. Athanasius recognizing his historical and international scholarship, as well as our Ukrainian Catholic Church worldwide, and, all humanity.” ~Bishop David
Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops on Bill C-7
In response to the meetings of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights to study Bill C-7, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying), the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) submitted a Brief reinforcing its serious concerns...
Nov 15; Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 7
Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 7; The Holy Martyrs and Confessors Gurias, Samonas (284-305) and Abibus (313-24). Starts of the Nativity Fast. Great Vespers and Divine Liturgy GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In...
Nov 12: The Holy Priest-Martyr Josaphat, Archbishop of Polotsk
The Holy Priest-Martyr Josaphat, Archbishop of Polotsk All-Night Vigil Feast. A day when the faithful are highly encouraged to participate in the Divine Liturgy. GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 1 Out of the depths I...
Bishop’s Thank-You Campaign
The Bishop's Thank-You Campaign is a movement to recognize and thank the individuals and volunteers who make our parishes throughout Alberta vibrant. So far, the campaign has thanked four amazing volunteers for their actions in activities like maintenance, ushering,...
30th Anniversary of the New Church of St. Vladimir in Red Deer
On Sunday, October 25, 2020, the parishioners of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Catholic Church in Red Deer, Alberta celebrated their parish praznyk (Feast Day) marking the 30th anniversary of their new church which was constructed in 1990. Bishop David Motiuk celebrated the...
UCC-APC Annual Hetman Awards
In 1998, the UCC-Alberta Provincial Council initiated an Annual Hetman Awards to acknowledge significant volunteer achievements of outstanding Ukrainian Albertans. The Annual Hetman Awards are dedicated to the celebration of all volunteers who have chosen to give...
Former Bishops of the Edmonton Eparchy
Most Reverend Neil Nicholas Savaryn, OSBM, appointed titular Bishop of Lotan and Auxilary Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Canada, July 1, 1943; appointed Bishop Ordinary for the Apostolic Exarchate of Edmonton, March 3, 1948. Promoted to Eparch of Edmonton...
Nov 08; Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 6; Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the Other Bodiless Powers of Heaven Great Vespers and Divine Liturgy GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 6 Lead my soul forth from...
Dormition Parish UCWLC and Youth Food Bank Drive
It’s no secret:We really love our neighbourhood kids! This past Tuesday, Dormition’s UCWLC did another shop for our local school, providing them with food so that they can distribute it among the kids and families of Our Lady of Peace School. OLOP school is a great...
Winner of This Year’s HREC Educator Award for Holodomor Lesson Plan Development
Natalia Onyschuk, currently teaches grade four at St. Matthew Catholic Bilingual School (Edmonton Catholic Schools), has been recognized by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (University of Alberta) and its Holdomor Research and Education Consortium for her...
Послання Синоду Єпископів
«ЗАЛИШИТЬСЯ ВАМ ОДНЕ – ТЕ, ЩО ВИ ДАЛИ ВБОГОМУ!» Послання Синоду Єпископів Української Греко-Католицької Церкви 2020 року до духовенства, монашества і мирян Всесвітліші та всечесніші отці! Преподобні брати і сестри в монашестві! Дорогі браття і сестри в Христі! ...
Як молитися на вервиці
Починаємо на хрестику + В ІМ ‘Я Отця і Сина, і Святого Духа, Амінь (3X) СЛАВА ТОБІ, Боже наш, слава Тобі! ЦАРЮ НЕБЕСНИЙ, утішителю, душе істини, що всюди єси і все наповняєш, скарбе дібр і життя подателю, прийди і вселися в нас, і очисти нас від усякої...
Leader, Humanitarian and Philanthropist Neil Koziak Named Recipient of Kevin Carr Christian Leadership Award
Edmonton, October 1 – Neil Koziak, a humanitarian and philanthropist whose deep commitment and support of his Catholic faith and his Ukrainian heritage is local and global, has been named the 2020 recipient of the Kevin Carr Christian Leadership Award. “Neil is a...
Priesthood, Marriage, & Sacrificial Worship
In the third episode Archbishop Smith sits down with Fr. Mike and Kim Bombak, from the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton, to talk about the sacrificial aspects of worship coinciding with those of marriage and priesthood. ARCHBISHOP IN DIALOGUE is a new digital...
If My Father is Catholic and My Mother is Not, Would I be Considered Catholic?
First Question: My father was baptized in one of the Ukrainian Catholic churches in Edmonton. We are just trying to find out which one. His parents are no longer here. How would I go about finding out which church? Response from Pastoral Centre Office: You can...
Nov 1; Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost
Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 5; The Holy Wonderworkers and Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian; Passing into Eternal Life of the Servant of God Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, 1944; Passing into Eternal Life (1947) of Blessed Theodore Romzha, Bishop of...
Are Adults Still Living at Home and Supported Financially by Their Parents Morally Obligated to Obey Them?
Question: Are adults still living at home and supported financially by their parents morally obligated to obey them when it comes to things outside of temporal matters? Answer By: Fr. Jim Response: Good question. Regardless of whether you are living at home or not...
Are Some Sins Like the One to be Married in Front of a Non-Catholic Minister Not Forgivable?
(Shortened) Question: I read that some sins like the one to be married in front of a non-Catholic minister cannot be forgiven by any priest but only by a priest authorized to do so by his bishop. Is this the case also within the Ukrainian Catholic rite? Answer from:...
Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada in the Edmonton Eparchy
Alexander Baran, one of the recent historians on Ukrainian settlement in Canada in his work entitle Religion and Social Problems of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada writes: "The creation of the Catholic lay organization Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood has best...
How to Pray the Rosary
The Rosary and the new Rosary Book 1. Begin with the cross + IN THE NAME of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. (3X) Amen. GLORY BE to You, our God, glory be to You! HEAVENLY KING, Advocate, Spirit of Truth, Who are everywhere present and fill all things,...
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost; Oct 25, 2020
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 4; The Holy Martyrs and Notaries Marcian and Martyrius (351) Great Vespers and Divine Liturgy GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 4 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may...
Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate in Canada
The Congregation of Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate was founded on the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother God, August 27, 1882, in the village of Zhuzhyl , Western Ukraine, where Father Cyril Seletsky was Pastor. The Co-foundress and first member of the...
Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada Timeline
1891 – September 7: Wasyl Elyniak and Ivan Pylypiw, the first Ukrainian settlers, land in Montreal. They emigrated from the village of Nebyliv (district Kalush), Western Ukraine. Shortly after arriving by train in Winnipeg, they find work in Gretna, Manitoba....
The Basilian Fathers in Alberta
The members of the Order of St. Basil, commonly called the Basilian Fathers, have been involved in extensive pastoral and work among the Ukrainian people since their arrival in Alberta at turn of the century. The first four Basilian missionaries arrived in Alberta in...
What do I Have to Do For God to Forgive Me?
Full Question: "Hello my name is ... I’m 19, I don’t want to make this too long but just to give you the reason behind the meaning of my question but years ago my family and I went through a rough traumatic time, with my mom saying and doing the unthinkable... so I...
Fall Program Guide of Edmonton Eparchy
Read the Fall Program guide from September to December!
Why be Ukrainian Catholic and not Ukrainian Orthodox?
Your question could also be reversed to read: Why be Ukrainian Orthodox and not Ukrainian Catholic? However you phrase it, there is a tragic separation in the one Church of Kyiv. When the Great Schism divided the Eastern and Western Churches in 1054, the Kyivan Church...
St Sophia Divine Liturgy Sunday, October 18, 2020
What is a Mortal Sin/When is a Mortal Sin Not a Mortal Sin
Thank you very much for your good question. The Eastern Churches generally do not characterize sins as mortal in the same way that Roman Catholics distinguish them. In the Roman Catholic Church, sins are categorized as “mortal” and “venial. Simply put, the Catechism...
Stan and Marge Owerko Awarded the Order of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky
Patriarch Sviatoslav, upon the recommendation of Bishop David, awarded the Order of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky to Stan and Marge Owerko. The Order of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky was established by the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in...
Oct 18: Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 3; The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 3; The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke Great Vespers and Divine Liturgy GREAT VESPERS Psalm Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 3 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. By...
Catechism For All Ages Video Series
St. Josaphat Cathedral is running a weekly video series, Catechism For All Ages to be live-streamed on the Cathedral Facebook page and YouTube account. You can also view the videos after they're posted on their website...
I was Muslim, but I’d Like to Find my Way Back to Jesus Christ. How Should I Do This?
Full Question: Hi, I was wondering if you could help me please as Im a bit lost! As a child I was baptized a catholic (although a non practicing one but still a believer) but many years later I took my shahada and became a Muslim. I no longer practice or believe in...
Why Does the Bishop Remove his Mitre?
Full question: CIX My students are still asking why the Bishop removes his mitre ( as in the Divine Liturgy for the Ukrainian bilingual schools)? Looking forward to your response 🙂 Answer From: Bishop David Response: There are certain points in the Divine...
Bishop David’s Thanksgiving Message
St Sophia Parish Divine Liturgy Sunday, October 11, 2020
Why is Same-Sex Marriage Not Allowed in the Catholic Church? Is Homosexuality Considered a Sin?
Question: Why is same-sex marriage not allowed in the Catholic Church? Is homosexuality considered a sin? Answer From: Fr. Stephen Response: Thank you for these timely and relevant questions. Please allow me to begin by addressing your second question first. ...
I Cheated More Than Being Academically Honest, What Should I Do?
Answer From: Fr. Jim Shortened Question: Hello Father, Ten years ago when I was in college I cheated more than being academically honest. I finished my Bachelor’s degree and I got my diploma. I got employed after that. While I was employed I cheated on my...
Does the Ukrainian Catholic Church permit cremation of remains?
Answer From: Fr. Danylo The Ukrainian Catholic Church does not have its own, separate policy regarding cremation. There is no mention of it in Christ – Our Pascha, the Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Our policy is more or less the same as that of Roman...
Oct 11; Commemoration of the Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council
Commemoration of the Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council, Tone 2; The Holy Apostle Philip, One of the Seven Deacons; Our Venerable Father Theophanes the Branded, Composer of Canons (845) Great Vespers and Divine Liturgy GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading...
Why is the celebration of the resurrection called Easter in the West, but Pascha in the East?
The origins of the English word “Easter” are uncertain. The 8th century Benedictine monk, Bede the Venerable, considered to be among the greatest scholars of the medieval West, declared that it originated from Old English and refers to the pagan goddess of...
October 4th Sunday Divine Liturgy at St. Sophia
Should/Shouldn’t We Work on a Sunday?
Answer from: Fr. Julian Full Question: Fathers, Although I have been raised and educated in the Catholic tradition, many of the rules continue to offer so much room for interpretation. Here is my example. The Church limits the amount of time a Catholic can engage in...
Bible Study with Fr. Peter Online
Interested in Scripture Study while you are staying home and staying healthy? Well, good news! Fr. Peter Babej will be presenting the “History of Salvation Timeline” online. Learn more about God’s promises made to us and fulfilled throughout salvation history! St....
Bishops offer reflection on COVID and the call to Christian renewal
Panel #1: Inherent dignity of every human life Moderator: Dr. Bonnie Annicchiarico (Director, Grateful Advocates for Catholic Education (GrACE)) Panelists: Patrick Dumelie (CEO, Covenant Health, Edmonton) Dr. Troy Davies (CEO, Catholic Social Services, Edmonton) David...
Called to Be Holy Men’s Conference
We are created by God as an integrated whole of mind body and spirit. Thankfully, our faith provides guidance and ways to strive for this wholeness especially in the face of a culture that does not support this. Join us for a time of learning, reflection, prayer and...
Is there an RCIA in the Ukrainian Church? If an adult wants to become Ukrainian Catholic, what is the process?
Answer From: Fr. Jim Full Question: In the Roman Church, when adults become Catholic, they go through RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults), this can be up to a year (or more), of weekly classes going over Church teachings, prayer, etc. Is there an RCIA in...
Indigenous Social Mission Retreat: Engaging in Dialogue
Bishop David offers a reflection on the Akathist service Submitted by Inessa McIntyre Photo credit Bernadette MandrusiakThe Social Mission Working Group of the Eparchy of Edmonton held its second Social Mission Workshop and Retreat at Camp Oselia in March 2019. The...
I’m a Protestant and Would Like to Learn More About Catholicism, What Should I Do?
Full question: I'm a Protestant who has lapsed quite a bit from his faith in God. I haven't been to church in years. Much of which was because I stopped believing in the concept as sola scriptura. But then I came to the conclusion that, with this concept, any person...