Support the Eparchy of Edmonton’s commitment to evangelization and serve our faith community through our mission:

to Know God, to Love God, to Serve God.

Your donations directly support the Eparchy’s vital activities, from community outreach to growing our faith and preserving our traditions. By joining us, you become a part of a compassionate community dedicated to making a difference. Click below to explore all the ways you can contribute.

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Donation options

How Your Donation is Used

Total Funds Raised

How Our Eparchy is Making a Difference

help Ukraine

Donation Options

Your gift can be directed to the Eparchy evangelization or to the specific needs of different projects, ministries and parishes. The following options are available or you could add a specific intention (i.e. parish) in the comment area of the online form.

Aid for Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine

Help families and all those affected by the devastating war in Ukraine. Your donation will provide essential relief including food, shelter, medical support, and faith healing to those most impacted by the ongoing tragedy.
200 000 Parish Grant
Donation General

General Donation

Support the mission of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton with donations vital to maintain our churches, support our clergy, fund programs, and ensure the growth of our outreach efforts. Your contribution helps us address immediate needs and seize new opportunities to better serve our community.

Image to Likeness

The Image to Likeness project, is an Eastern Christian catechetical program, with materials covering kindergarten to grade 12. It will be used in our bilingual schools, parishes and at home. Your donation to this legacy project will enhance spiritual education and growth for years to come.

200 000 Parish Grant
help Ukraine

Family and Life Ministries

Support programs that strengthen families and uphold the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. Your donation will fund children and youth programs, lay leadership training, senior care, and faith conferences among many other services.

Vocations and Seminary

Invest in the future of our Church by supporting the education and formation of seminarians and those discerning religious vocations. Your donation helps cover tuition, housing, and other essential needs.

200 000 Parish Grant
help Ukraine

Bridge of Hope Campaign

The Bridge of Hope Campaign provides muchneeded financial support for orphans and vulnerable children in Ukraine. This program works closely with our Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate in many areas of Ukraine who visit and care for children in need.

How Your Donation is Used

All donations are directed to organizations directly working with the people in Ukraine. Our main partner, CNEWA collaborates closely with the local organizations, hospitals, and churches to serve those at risk. Your donation will be directly assisting the large influx of refugees, creating field kitchens to help with humanitarian aid, medical help or spiritual and psychological support.

Over $2,800,000 raised for Ukraine, help us reach $3,000,000!

Our Progress So Far…to December 31 2023

Total Funds Raised:

Donations received (including matching funds): $2,886,457



Support to Ukraine: $2,659,907

Humanitarian Aid Settlement Grant (remains in AB)*: $200,000

Settlement donations received (remains in AB): $26,550

* $215,477.47 grants approved 


Our parishes, our faithful, and our friends throughout the province continue their fundraising efforts to help in this humanitarian crisis. As we receive donations, we will update the totals to keep you informed.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support.

War in Ukraine

All donations up to $1 250 000 have been matched!

The Eparchy of Edmonton is most grateful to the generous donor family who matched up to $750 000 for Humanitarian Aid for the people of Ukraine. We are grateful to St. Stephen’s Parish in Calgary and to three generous families who each sponsored $100 000. Crystal Glass has also pledged $100 000 to support Ukraine. 

Message From His Beatitude Sviatoslav

In response to the enormous food shortage in Ukrainian regions under occupation and military threats in 2022, the Patriarchal Curia of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church launched an emergency project providing food to those in need.

Bishop David’s Homily and a Prayer for Ukraine

O Lord Jesus Christ, our God, we entreat You to hear the earnest prayer of Your beloved Church of Kievan Rus’ for her deeply afflicted children abiding in the land of Ukraine. Behold their grave sorrow and grievous plight, and speedily come to their aid.