Welcome to the Eparchy of Edmonton, the centre of the Ukrainian Catholic Mission in Alberta.
Discover the Eparchy of Edmonton
Who is Bishop David Motiuk? His Grace Bishop David Motiuk was born on January 13, 1962 in Vegreville, Alberta, the son of John and Olga…
Our Symbol of Faith and Hope! The golden church dome under a vivid blue sky was a steadfast symbol of faith and hope for the Ukrainian Catholics who…
Our community is characterized by its devotion to the Byzantine Catholic faith and its commitment to serving others and creating a warm and welcoming environment for all.
He is a man of great faith, courage, and vision who has dedicated his life to serving others and promoting the message of love, compassion, and peace.
Ukrainian Catholics in Alberta
Parishes and Missions
Baptisms in 2019
First Communions in 2019
Our vision is to help connect people to Jesus…
We strive to carry out the mission entrusted to the Church by Christ Himself to fulfill in the world, namely, to journey with God’s people in their coming to know God, to love God, and to serve God.

Our Beliefs
Ukrainian Catholicism is steeped in rich traditions, values, and practices that date back to the 10th century. Though it shares similarities with the Roman Catholic Church, there are several differences that distinguish it.
Who Are We?
The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton serves some 25,000 faithful in 81 parishes and missions throughout Alberta, from Lethbridge in the south, to Manning in the north, and Lloydminster in the east. We provide spiritual, catechetical, counselling, and sacramental care for families and individuals, as well as outreach programs for the needy and marginalized.

Our Social Mission
For those new to Ukrainian Catholicism, it is essential to understand that the church’s social mission is a cornerstone of its beliefs and practices. The Ukrainian Catholic Church strives to create a world that is guided by peace, justice, and solidarity.
Join the Mission
It is only beginning. As a new member of the Catholic Church, you will need to grow in your faith by regular attendance at your parish, hearing the Word of God proclaimed and receiving the Eucharist each Sunday, through regular prayer, and by giving testimony to your newfound faith by serving others, in particular, the poor and the needy.

Our Faith Inspires

Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada Timeline
Wasyl Elyniak and Ivan Pylypiw, the first Ukrainian settlers, land in Montreal. They emigrated from the village of Nebyliv (district Kalush), Western Ukraine. Shortly after arriving by train in Winnipeg, they find work in Gretna, Manitoba.

Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada Timeline
Wasyl Elyniak and Ivan Pylypiw, the first Ukrainian settlers, land in Montreal. They emigrated from the village of Nebyliv (district Kalush), Western Ukraine.

Our History
The Birth and Resilience of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate
In the late 19th century, a young woman named Michaelina Hordashevska from Lviv, Ukraine, felt a...
Who Was Bishop Nil Mykola Savaryn?
Article Written By: Rev. Dr Athanasius D. McVay Read this article in Ukrainian:...
75th Anniversary of Edmonton and Toronto Eparchies
This article is from Annales Ecclesiae Ucrainae, Annales Ecclesiae Ucrainae is a collection of...
Надзвичайна Людина Надзвичайні Часи – Патріарха Йосифа Сліпого
Ліда М. Василин, 10-ого Січня, 2022 Хто міг передбачати, що дитина яка народилася 17-ого Лютого,...
An Extraordinary Life For Extraordinary Times – Patriarch Josyf Slipyj
Article written by: Lidia Wasylyn, January 1, 2022Who could have guessed that a child born...
Former Bishops of the Edmonton Eparchy
Most Reverend Neil Nicholas Savaryn, OSBM, appointed titular Bishop of Lotan and Auxilary Bishop...
Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada in the Edmonton Eparchy
Alexander Baran, one of the recent historians on Ukrainian settlement in Canada in his work...
Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate in Canada
The Congregation of Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate was founded on the Feast of the Dormition...
The Basilian Fathers in Alberta
The members of the Order of St. Basil, commonly called the Basilian Fathers, have been involved...