Liturgical Propers
Divine Liturgy, Matins and VespersThis duplicate page will be combined with our main page of on June 16 2023, please find this page on the Eparchy of Edmonton’s website menu bar.
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Friday of the Fifth Week of the Great Fast
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Friday of the Fifth Week of the Great Fast LITURGY OF THE PRESANCTIFIED GIFTS ON FRIDAY EVENING At Psalm 140 In Tone 6 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. Departing from Your divine precepts as...
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Wednesday of the Fifth Week of the Great Fast
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Wednesday of the Fifth Week of the Great Fast LITURGY OF THE PRESANCTIFIED GIFTS ON WEDNESDAY EVENING At Psalm 140 In Tone 3 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. Even more than all others, I have...
Mar 27; Fourth Sunday of the Great Fast: St. John Climacus. Octoechos Tone 3.
Fourth Sunday of the Great Fast: St. John Climacus. Octoechos Tone 3. Our Holy Mother Matrona of Thessalonica GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 3 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. By...
Pray for Ukraine at St. Josaphat Cathedral
Pray for Ukraine - Divine Liturgy at St. Josaphat Cathedral Saturday, March 26 at 10:30 am St. Josaphat Cathedral 10825 97 St NW, Edmonton, AB5 Ways to Support Ukraine: • Donate to St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral – “AID FOR UKRAINE.” All donations received...
Easter Schedule for St. Vladimir Parish, Red Deer
Download Red Deer's St. Vladimir Ukrainian Catholic Parish Easter Schedule here.
Ukrainian Catholic and Orthodox Bishops Meet to Pray for Peace in Ukraine
His Grace Bishop Ilarion and Bishop David invite the clergy, religious, monastics and laity to join us in prayer for the innocent victims of war in Ukraine through the offering of a Panachyda on Saturday, March 26, at 5:00 pm at Saint Basil Parish, Edmonton. Special...
Pope Francis will Consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Catholic Bishops of Canada invite all Canadian faithful to join Pope Francis and to pray for peace Bishop David invites you to join in the Act of Consecration in unity with Pope Francis at the 9:30 am Divine Liturgy, Friday, March 25, at Saint Josaphat Cathedral....
The Feast of the Annunciation 4 Activities for the Domestic Church (the family)
Learn about it: by accessing the Bozhy Dity (God’s Little Children) lesson on the Edmonton Eparchy Website. Learn about this amazing day in the life of the Church: Angels are all around us: The angel Gabriel came to give Mary the...
Icon of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God
We celebrate the Feast Day of the Annunciation on March 25; nine months before the celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord. We read about the event in the Gospel of Luke 1:2638. We also learn of it in the Protoevangelium of James which is a document from the Sacred...
What is the St. Ephrem Prayer?
St. Ephrem the Syrian (ca. 306-373 AD) was a monk, theologian, and poet who lived from 306 – 373 AD. He lived a life of service to others and ultimately gave his life ministering to victims of plague and famine in Edessa. We are encouraged to pray his penitential...
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Wednesday of the Fourth Week of the Great Fast
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Wednesday of the Fourth Week of the Great Fast LITURGY OF THE PRESANCTIFIED GIFTS ON WEDNESDAY EVENING At Psalm 140 In Tone 4 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. The Fast that brings integrity has...
Uniting in Prayer for Ukraine With the Ukrainian Orthodox and Other Churches
Alberta Unites in a Day of Prayer for Ukraine A Day of Prayer for Peace in Ukraine will be observed on Friday, March 18, 2022 in all parishes in the Diocese of Calgary. Parishes will be offering opportunities for the faithful to pray for peace through Eucharistic...
Third Sunday of the Great Fast: Veneration of the Holy Cross. Octoechos Tone 2
Third Sunday of the Great Fast: Veneration of the Holy Cross. Octoechos Tone 2. Our Venerable Fathers Martyred by the Saracens at the Monastery of St. Sabbas (580-97) GREAT VESPERS Before the beginning of the service, the Precious Cross is brought from the table of...
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Friday of the Third Week of the Great Fast
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Friday of the Third Week of the Great Fast LITURGY OF THE PRESANCTIFIED GIFTS ON FRIDAY EVENING At Psalm 140 In Tone 7 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. Like the prodigal, I have turned away...
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Wednesday of the Third Week of the Great Fast
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Wednesday of the Third Week of the Great Fast LITURGY OF THE PRESANCTIFIED GIFTS ON WEDNESDAY EVENING At Psalm 140 In Tone 4 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. Like the prodigal I squandered my...
Mar 13: Second Sunday of the Great Fast: St. Gregory of Palamas. Octoechos Tone 1
Second Sunday of the Great Fast: St. Gregory of Palamas. Octoechos Tone 1. The Transfer of the Relics of Our Holy Father Nicephorus, Patriarch of Constantinople (847) GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 1 Lead my soul...
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Friday of the Second Week of the Great Fast
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Friday of the Second Week of the Great Fast LITURGY OF THE PRESANCTIFIED GIFTS ON FRIDAY EVENING At Psalm 140 In Tone 4 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. Behold, this is the acceptable time,*...
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Wednesday of the Second Week of the Great Fast
The Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (321-23) GREAT VESPERS ON TUESDAY EVENING Kathisma Reading According to Lenten schedule At Psalm 140 In Tone 1 If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered. You stretched out your...
Mar 06: First Sunday of the Great Fast: The Sunday of Orthodoxy; Octoechos Tone 8
First Sunday of the Great Fast: The Sunday of Orthodoxy; Octoechos Tone 8; The Holy Forty-Two Martyrs of Ammorium (848) GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 8 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to...
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Friday of the First Week of the Great Fast
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Friday of the First Week of the Great Fast At Psalm 140 In Tone 5 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. Come, O faithful, let us fulfil the works of God in the light;* and let us walk with dignity...
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Wednesday of the First Week of the Great Fast
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Wednesday of the First Week of the Great Fast At Psalm 140 In Tone 8 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. O faithful, while fasting bodily,* let us also fast in spirit.* Let us loosen every bond of...
Eparchy of Edmonton Family Pledged to Match all Donations in Support of Humanitarian Aid in Ukraine up to $500,000
Amid the unfolding Russian invasion of Ukraine, our Church, in solidarity with our brothers and sisters there, is collecting donations to support the full mobilization of humanitarian aid, medical help and spiritual and psychological care. A generous family from...
Statement of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
The Executive Committee of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) condemns the escalation of tensions and violence in Ukraine marked by Russia’s invasion, which was seen today, Thursday, 24 February 2022, in the form of militarization and bombing in...
Local Prayer in the Eparchy of Edmonton (February 24)
St. Josaphat Cathedral, Edmonton Join our parish for a Moleben to the Mother of God for peace in Ukraine at 6:00 PM on Friday.Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Calgary Join our parish for a Moleben at 7:00 p.m. in the parish or watch the stream on our...
The Eparchy of Edmonton Sends Over $47 000 to Provide Humanitarian Aid for the Ukrainian People
In response to the state of emergency in Ukraine as a result of the Russian invasion, to date, the Eparchy of Edmonton has sent over $47,000 to provide humanitarian aid for the Ukrainian people. We thank our faithful who already donated towards this purpose, and we...
APPEAL of His Beatitude Sviatoslav to the Sons and Daughters of the Ukrainian People in Ukraine and Abroad, and to all People of Good Will
Kyiv, February 22, 2022 APPEAL of His Beatitude Sviatoslav to the Sons and Daughters of the Ukrainian People in Ukraine and Abroad, and to all People of Good Will Dear Brothers and Sisters, The recognition by the president of the Russian Federation of...
Feb 27: Sunday of Cheesefare – Sunday of Forgiveness; Octoechos Tone 7
Sunday of Cheesefare - Sunday of Forgiveness; Octoechos Tone 7; Our Venerable Father and Confessor Procopius the Decapolitan (716-40) GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 7 10. Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may...
Feb 24: The First and Second Finding of the Precious Head of the Holy, Glorious Prophet and Forerunner John the Baptist
The First and Second Finding of the Precious Head of the Holy, Glorious Prophet and Forerunner John the Baptist All-Night Vigil Feast GREAT VESPERS At Psalm 140 In Tone 5 6. If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be...
Why Does the Great Fast Start on Monday and not Wednesday?
Well. I know why we Byzantine Catholics start on Monday, but I didn’t know why Roman Catholics start on Wednesday. Till now. The easiest way to explain this is to draw it out, so I made us all a calendar below. First, let’s explain what I understand well. Byzantine...
How will I Make this Lent (Great Fast) Really Great?
The Great Fast (Lent) is upon us. We use the terms Lent, Great Lent, and Great Fast interchangeably. It begins 40 days before the start of Holy Week. During this special time we are encouraged to prepare ourselves, and our families, so as to be spiritually ready, to...
HILLIARD (farm) – St. DEMETRO Parish
HILLIARD (farm) – St. DEMETRO Parish – Парафія св. Івана Хрестителя Location: Section 15, T. 12, Pl. 15. 40 acres of hilly land donated by P. Seniuk and T. Boyko. Sometimes the church was called Seniuky in honour of the early farmers Peter and Apolonia Seniuk....
Feb 20: Sunday of Meatfare – Sunday of the Fearful Judgement; Octoechos Tone 6
Sunday of Meatfare - Sunday of the Fearful Judgement; Octoechos Tone 6; Our Venerable Father Leo, Bishop of Catania GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading: “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140, In Tone 6 10. Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to...
Eparchy of Edmonton Pledges $100 000 to Support Residential School Survivors, their Families, and Communities.
February 10, 2022 - Today, the Eparchy of Edmonton is pleased to announce a pledge of $100 000 to support healing and reconciliation projects in Canada. This commitment will support the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops’ collective pledge to raise $30 million...
Our Church’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Updated: March 1, 2022 Alberta enters Step 2 on Tuesday, March 1. The following changes come into effect today: Any remaining school requirements removed (for example: Kindergarten to grade 6 cohorting). Youth...
Feb 14: The Repose of Our Venerable Father Constantine the Philosopher, in the Monastic Life, Cyril, Teacher of the Slavs (869)
The Repose of Our Venerable Father Constantine the Philosopher, in the Monastic Life, Cyril, Teacher of the Slavs (869); and our Venerable Father Auxentius (457-74); and the Venerable Maron the Wonderworker and Hermit Polyeleos Feast GREAT VESPERS At Psalm 140 In Tone...
Feb 13: Sunday of the Prodigal Son; Tone 5
Sunday of the Prodigal Son; Octoechos Tone 5; Our Venerable Father Martinian GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading: “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140, In Tone 5 10. Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. With Your precious cross, O...
Illustrators Needed for Children’s Religion Program
Image to Likeness Project Request for Proposal Required: Illustrators for children’s religion program 1. BACKGROUND The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton (Eparchy) is looking to hire several illustrators to support a new religious education program, titled Image...
Feb 06; Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, Tone 4
Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee; Octoechose Tone 4; Post-feast of the Encounter; Our Venerable Father Boucolus, Bishop of Smyrna; the Holy Priest-Martyr Sylvanus, Bishop of Emessa and Those with Him Matins Resurrectional Gospel 4. Great Vespers and Divine Liturgy...
Step by Step Guide to Becoming a Ukrainian Catholic
Welcome to our Community!An article wrote by Bishop David, the Bishop of our Ukrainian Catholic Church in Alberta. Well, now that I know something about the Catholic faith, how do I become a member of the Catholic Church? That’s easy! Contact the pastor at the parish...
Надзвичайна Людина Надзвичайні Часи – Патріарха Йосифа Сліпого
Ліда М. Василин, 10-ого Січня, 2022 Хто міг передбачати, що дитина яка народилася 17-ого Лютого, 1892 р. в скромній, і побожній родині в Західній Україні стане князем Української Католицької Церкви і поведе своїх вірних у 20-те сторіччя? Таке майбутнє цієї дитини...
An Extraordinary Life For Extraordinary Times – Patriarch Josyf Slipyj
Article written by: Lidia Wasylyn, January 1, 2022Who could have guessed that a child born February 17, 1892, into a humble, deeply religious family in Western Ukraine would become a prince of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, leading his flock into the 20th century?...
5 Activities for the Feast of the Encounter of Our Lord, (Feb. 2) for the Domestic Church (the family)
Watch a video: about the Presentation (Encounter) in the Temple. For Older Children:For Younger Children:2. Learn about it: by accessing the Bozhy Dity (God’s Little Children) lesson on the Edmonton Eparchy Website. Learn about this amazing day in the life of the...
Icon of the Encounter of our Lord in the Temple
We read in Luke 2:22-40 that the parents of Jesus, following Mosaic law bring their firstborn son to be dedicated to God in the temple at Jerusalem forty days after his birth. We pray in the hymnography of the feast: “the creator of the law fulfills the law.” This...
What is the Social Mission of the Ukrainian Catholic Church?
Excerpt written by the Social Mission Commission of the Eparchy of Edmonton.For those new to Ukrainian Catholicism, it is essential to understand that the church's social mission is a cornerstone of its beliefs and practices. The Ukrainian Catholic Church strives to...
32nd Sunday after Pentecost – Sunday of Zacchaeus, Tone 3; The Three Holy and Great Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom; and the Holy Priest-Martyr Hippolytus; Jan 30, 2022
32nd Sunday after Pentecost - Sunday of Zacchaeus; Octoechos Tone 3; The Three Holy and Great Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom; and the Holy Priest-Martyr Hippolytus (235) All-Night Vigil Feast. Matins Resurrectional Gospel 3. ...
Statement by the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of Canada Concerning the Current Political and Humanitarian Crises in Ukraine
Dear Brothers and Sisters – Christ is Among Us! During these most difficult days when Ukraine endures the threat of Russian invasion, the clergy, religious and faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada reach out to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine....
Table for Two, You are My Valentine
Again, due to COVID we have been sidelined. Therefore, for those in Edmonton and area (Sherwood Park, Leduc, Beaumont, St. Albert) we are providing the opportunity to order a sumptuous meal for two created by a red seal chef, which will be delivered right to your...
Sunday of the Word of God
Lviv, January 20, 2022 Вих.№ 001 / 2022 Christ is Born! Glorify Him! Most Reverend Archbishops and Metropolitans, God-loving Bishops, Very Reverend Clergy, Venerable Monastics, Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters Catechists, And all Faithful! This Sunday, for the...
A Guide to a Personal Prayer Life: How to Start Prayer
What is prayer?Most of us think of prayer as talking to God and that is true. We can tell God our most intimate details, like our worries, our desires for our life, our anger, our hopes our disappointments and our needs. He will work on our hearts to help us with...
The Great Fast for Families: An Event
On Feb. 11 at 10:15 am (following 9:00 am Divine Liturgy at Holy Eucharist Parish 6425 120 Ave NW, Edmonton) the Family, Faith, and Friends, Parent Group will be hosting the 3rd of 5 sessions. Join Fr. Roman Planchak as he leads us through a reflection and some...
What is the Jesus Prayer?
The Jesus Prayer and Prayer on the RosaryDown through the ages and to our own day our spiritual tradition has transmitted the experience of a profound and yet simple prayer. It consists in a continual repetition of the words, “Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have...
Ukrainian Catholic App Survey
We need your help in answering our Ukrainian Catholic App Survey!Thank-you for your time and consideration. Please consider sharing this web address with your friends and family to help answer this survey:
His Beatitude Sviatoslav Congratulated Bishop David on His 60th Birthday
His Beatitude Sviatoslav, Father and Head of the UGCC, personally and on behalf of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC, congratulated Bishop David, Eparch of Edmonton, Apostolic Administrator of the New Westminster Diocese and Chairman of the Patriarchal Catechetical...
6 Catholic Prayers For Before Meals
Why do Catholics Pray?Ukrainian Catholics believe everything that is good comes from God, and we remind ourselves of that every day. A good way we can do this is to say a short prayer of thanksgiving before a meal to be grateful for the food we eat. In our tradition,...
31st Sunday after Pentecost; Tone 2; Jan 23, 2022
31st Sunday after Pentecost; Octoechos Tone 2; The Holy Priest-Martyr Clement, Bishop of Ancyra; the Holy Martyr Agathangel (both 286-305); Passing into Eternal Life (1952) of Blessed Olimpia Bida, Superior of the Sisters of St. Joseph, and Martyr Great Vespers and...
30th Sunday after Pentecost; Tone 1; Jan 16, 2022
30th Sunday after Pentecost; Octoechos, Tone 1; The Veneration of the Precious Chains of the Holy and Illustrious Apostle Peter; Great Vespers and Divine Liturgy GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading: “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140, In Tone 1 Lead my soul...
What is the Feast of Jordan (Yordan), Theophany, Bohoyavlenia or Epiphany?
This document was adapted from responses gathered in breakout sessions at the 38th UCWLC Eparchial Convention Edmonton Branch Cultural Session, Oct. 2017 In January, we celebrate the great feast of Bohoyavlenia, which means the Manifestation of God or the Theophany....
Theophany of Christ (Jan. 6) Feast of Jordan Activities for the Domestic Church (the family)
If you don’t have one print an icon for the feast at Look through photo albumsLook through photo albums of your children’s baptisms. If you have their baptismal gown, or candles take them out and show them. Talk about the promises made at their...
Explanation of the Icon of the Theophany
The word Theophany originates from two Greek words, Theos – God, and Phainein – showing. Therefore, it literally means a “revelation of God” in Greek (Θεοφάνεια). This event is the first revelation of the Trinity in the life of Christ. Jesus Christ; God become a man;...
Sunday after Theophany; Tone 8 – Jan 09, 2022
Sunday after Theophany; Octoechos Tone 8; the Holy Martyr Polyeuctus (249-51) GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 8 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. O Christ, during this spiritual...