Sign Out These Parish Bins For Free at the Resource Library!
We have a collection of activity bins available to sign out by anyone interested in deepening their Ukrainian Catholic Faith. These bins are particularly well suited for organizations and parishes to use in their ministry. To view our entire bin collection, click here. All of these activity bins are available to sign out at the Eparchy of Edmonton’s Resource Library for free. To create an account, view our entire catalogue, and learn more, visit our Resource Library page here!
Care for the Environment Parish Bin
This bin includes the following:
- Laudato Si – Praise be to You – Encyclical of the Holy Father Francis
- Duotang with resources for Laudato Si
- PowerPoint DVD on the Holy Father’s Encyclical
- Living with Limits, Living Well (Session Workshop for small group reflection)
- On Earth as it is in Heaven (A Retreat Package for Secondary School Students)
- Create a Climate of Change DVD (short film clips about the 2015 Environment Campaign, and testimonials about climate change from around the world)
- On Care for Our Common Home (10 copies for group reflection)

Welcoming Home Parish Bin
This bin includes the following:
- Embracing Hospitality – 10 Reflections on Virtue of Welcoming (Robert Morneau)
- Navigating the New Evangelization (Raniero Cantalamessa OFM Cap.)
- 12 Keys to an Effective Church (Kennon L. Callahan)
- A Community of Disciples – Making Your Parish All it Can Be (Des Robertson)
- Vibrant Parishes (Supplemental Material)
- Welcome to Our Church Brochures
- Becoming a More Welcoming Parish (one package English, one package Ukrainian – free to keep)

The Family Parish Bin
This bin includes the following:
- Give Us this Day Our Daily Love (Pope Francis on the Family)
- Children in the Church Today – An Orthodox Perspective
- Christian Marriage and Family Life (Millenium Series)
- Family Foundations Magazine
- Coaching Parents Duotang (The Pastoral Center)
- A Guide for the Domestic Church
- Followed a Sacred Path – Raising Godly Children
- Catholic Grandparents Association (brochure)
- Prayer to the Holy Family (free copies to take)
Also includes the following DVDs:
- Be Not Afraid – The Parent’s Mission: Passing on the Earth
- Parents of Teens – Here’s What You Need to Know (Practical down to earth advice)
- You’re a Better Parent than You Think (comedy presentation)

Blessed Vasyl Velychkovsky, Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, & Bishop Nykyta Budka Parish Bin
This bin includes the following:
- Fully Alive! – Enshrinement of the Holy Relics of Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl Velychkovsky, C.Ss.R.
- Steadfast and Faithful: A Martyr’s Journey
- Hope for the Hopeless, Light in the Darkness (Acathist Hymn to Blessed Martyr Vasyl CD & DVD)
- Faithful to the End – The Life of Blessed Martyr Bishop Vasyl Velychkovsky, C.Ss.R. (English & Ukrainian)
- Brochures about the Bishop Velychkovsky Martyr’s Shrine
- Akathist and Moleben in Honour of Blessed Martyr Vasyl Velychkovsky C.Ss.R. (Ukrainian, includes words for the Akathist in English & Ukrainian)
- Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky – His Life and Accomplishments
- Andrew Sheptytsky – Living the Beatitudes
- Prayer for the Beatification of the Servant of God Metropolitan Andrey
- Apostle of Church Unity – Metropolitan Andrew Sheptytsky
- Achievements of Metropolitan A. Sheptytsky
- Memories of a Mother (A digest of The Memoirs of Countess Sheptytska, on the early life of Metropolitan Andrew Sheptytsky)
- Church & Social Issues (in Ukrainian)
- Our First Bishop – The Story of Blessed Bishop and Martyr Nykyta Budka
- Icons of Blessed Vasyl Velychkovsky C.Ss.R & Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky

From Mary’s Heart to Yours Parish Bin
This bin includes the following:
- 4 candles (2 wax, 2 battery-operated tealights)
- From Mary’s Heart to Yours (DVD & Guide)
- Icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Theotokos of the Passion)

Mercy Parish Bin
This bin includes the following:
- Mercy (resource duotang)
- Have Mercy on Us – Youth Retreat
- Catholic Social Teaching on Mercy (adult session)
- To Love Tenderly – Teaching Compassion and Justice Through Stories and Activities
- To Act Justly – Introducing Catholic Social Teaching to Children with Stories and Activities
- Mercy – A Whole Family Catechesis
- The Saints in Mercy
- Confession: The Sacrament of Mercy
- Mercy in the Teachings of the Popes
- The Parables of Mercy
- The Psalms of Mercy
- The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
- Mercy in the Fathers of the Church
- Celebrating Mercy
- Basil the Great – On Social Justice
- Be Merciful – Reflections on the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy
- Works of Mercy (PowerPoint with notes)
- Unconditional Love (DVD)
- Divine Mercy (DVD)

Blessed Josaphata & Blessed Tarsykia Parish Bin
This bin includes the following:
- Sister Josaphata Hordashevska – Life, Spirit, Sainthood (video 27 min.)
- Prayer and Service – A biography of Josaphata Hordashevska (English & Ukrainian)
- With All My Heart – A reflection on the Consecration of Blessed Josaphata
- With All My Heart – A reflection on the Charism, Spirituality, and Community Life in the Life of Blessed Josaphata
- Of Love and Longing for God – Reflection and Prayers of Blessed Josaphata Hordashevska
- The Journey of Blessed Josaphata from Soviet Ukraine to Rome – Transfer of her mortal remains
- Sister Josaphata: Living the Magnificat (for children)
- Moleben to Blessed Josaphata (25 copies included)
- Akathist to Blessed Josaphata Hordashevska (25 copies included)
- She Followed the Call – Biography of Blessed Tarsykia
- Blessed Tarsykia Martyr of Faith (in Ukrainian)
- Glory to You O God – The Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate the First Hundred Years