Social Mission

“Mandated by the gospel of Jesus Christ, our mission is to affirm, inspire and enable the people of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton to work towards a just and loving world by providing education, support, and guidance in addressing social justice issues both locally and globally.”

Social Mission Calendar

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Social Mission Commission

Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton Social Mission Commission
– Who are we?
What are we about?
What can we offer you as a parish/ group/ individual?
Topics Include: Social Justice, Solidarity and the Common Good, the Sanctity of Human Life, Ethical Consumption, Care for Creation, Indigenous Rights and Relations, and Charity, the Dignity of all people, Catholic Social Teaching.


Laudato Si’

Laudato Si’ – Care for Our Common Home
What is happening to Our Common Home?
The Gospel of Creation
The Human Roots of the Ecological Crisis
Integral Ecology
Lines of Approach and Action
Ecological Education and Spirituality

Ethical Consumption

As a consumer how can I make a difference in the ways I shop that will help the producers of products get their fair wage and also care for the environment.
Fair Trade
Fast Fashion
Locally Made
Sustainably made products

The Home of Hope

The Home of Hope in Ukraine and Human Trafficking


Learn about the beginnings of the Bridge of Hope and the project called Home of Hope in Lviv Ukraine which is under the auspices of the Eparchy of Edmonton and contributes to the fight against Human trafficking. 

The Refugee Crisis

Guided by Development and Peace’s 2019 Share Lent Campaign, we invite you to share the journey with 68.5 million forced migrants as part of the global Share the Journey campaign launched by Pope Francis and Caritas International.

Pass it On

Learn about this charitable initiative which began at St. Stephen Protomartyr Parish in Calgary. It has grown to involve a number of churches, schools, and organizations and has provided gently used clothing, boots, and toys to thousands of people in need! Learn how they have evolved during the Covid-19 Pandemic to support the local organizations JacketRacket and StreetSisters.

Human Trafficking Session

Sadly, Human Trafficking is one of the most lucrative businesses in the world!

Join or lead this four-week online or in person study group where, through reading, watching videos and discussion, participants will learn about human trafficking and Catholic Social Teaching, the buyers and prostituted persons, the connection between pornography and prostitution as well as Canadian law that protects exploited persons. These sessions are an introduction into the reality of human trafficking and sexual exploitation and what actions we can take to fight it.

A Toolkit for Parishes on Pallative Care


How does our faith in Christ help us to understand the human experience of dying and death?

Reach out to the Social Mission Commission if you would like to lead or participate in a 4-part program, focusing on Catholic teaching regarding end of life care. Share and discuss the importance of palliative care and learn more about how we can respond to our Christian call to provide compassionate care for our loved ones at the end of life.

Further questions? Contact us at