Progress on Our Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine Fundraiser

 Ukrainian Catholic News in Alberta

Bishop’s Thank-You Campaign

Bishop’s Thank-You Campaign

The Bishop's Thank-You Campaign is a movement to recognize and thank the individuals and volunteers who make our parishes throughout Alberta...

UCC-APC Annual Hetman Awards

UCC-APC Annual Hetman Awards

In 1998, the UCC-Alberta Provincial Council initiated an Annual Hetman Awards to acknowledge significant volunteer achievements of outstanding...

Former Bishops of the Edmonton Eparchy

Former Bishops of the Edmonton Eparchy

Most Reverend Neil Nicholas Savaryn, OSBM, appointed titular Bishop of Lotan and Auxilary Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Canada, July...

Послання Синоду Єпископів

Послання Синоду Єпископів

«ЗАЛИШИТЬСЯ ВАМ ОДНЕ – ТЕ, ЩО ВИ ДАЛИ ВБОГОМУ!» Послання Синоду Єпископів Української Греко-Католицької Церкви 2020 року до духовенства, монашества...

Як молитися на вервиці

Як молитися на вервиці

Починаємо на хрестику + В ІМ ‘Я Отця і Сина, і Святого Духа, Амінь (3X)   СЛАВА ТОБІ, Боже наш, слава Тобі!   ЦАРЮ НЕБЕСНИЙ, утішителю,...

How to Pray the Rosary

How to Pray the Rosary

The Rosary and the new Rosary Book 1. Begin with the cross + IN THE NAME of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.  (3X) Amen. GLORY BE to You,...

The Basilian Fathers in Alberta

The Basilian Fathers in Alberta

 The members of the Order of St. Basil, commonly called the Basilian Fathers, have been involved in extensive pastoral and work among the Ukrainian...

Catechism For All Ages Video Series

Catechism For All Ages Video Series

St. Josaphat Cathedral is running a weekly video series, Catechism For All Ages to be live-streamed on the Cathedral Facebook page and YouTube...

Bible Study with Fr. Peter Online

Bible Study with Fr. Peter Online

Interested in Scripture Study while you are staying home and staying healthy? Well, good news! Fr. Peter Babej will be presenting the “History of...

Called to Be Holy Men’s Conference

Called to Be Holy Men’s Conference

We are created by God as an integrated whole of mind body and spirit. Thankfully, our faith provides guidance and ways to strive for this wholeness...

Patriarchal Catechetical Commission

Patriarchal Catechetical Commission

Our Eparchy is helping manage the Patriarchal Catechetical Commission (English) website! Feel free to take a look at the most recent posts including...

Support a Seminarian!

Support a Seminarian!

During the month of September, the Eparchy of Edmonton conducts its annual Vocations and Seminary Collection. “It takes a whole village to raise a...

Inter-Eparchial Marriage Tribunal Office

Inter-Eparchial Marriage Tribunal Office

The ministry of the Inter-eparchial Marriage Tribunal is to assist the People of God, and all people of good will, in journeying through the process...

Poster Contest for Children!

Poster Contest for Children!

Calling all children and teens! Tell the world about the gift of the earth that we have received from the Creator. As a precious gift from God we...