Liturgical Propers

Divine Liturgy, Matins and Vespers

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Royal Doors

by Brent Kostyniuk One of the most distinctive features of the interior of a Byzantine church is its iconostasis, a richly decorated icon screen which establishes the altar area. Far from being a wall which isolates the nave from the sanctuary, theologically...

April 2, 2017 Fifth Sunday of the Great Fast; Venerable Mother Mary of Egypt; Octoechos Tone 5; Our Venerable Father Titus the Wonderworker; Passing into Eternal Life (1959) of Blessed Mykola (Nicholas) Charnetsky, Exarch of Volhynia and Confessor

The biography of this wonderful saint was written by St. Sophronius, the Patriarch of Jerusalem. Once, during the Honorable Fast [Lenten Season], a certain priest-monk (Heiromonk), the Elder Zosimus, withdrew into the wilderness beyond the Jordan, a twenty-day trek....

Preaching in Capernaum

And he went down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee. And he was teaching them on the Sabbath- Luke 4:31 This past Sunday the lesson was from Mark 2:1-12, about the healing of the paralyzed man at Capernaum and how the crowds were so great they had to take the man...

Genesis 10:32–11:9- Back to Babbling

Glory be to Jesus Christ! I love science. When I was a boy I spent a lot of time reading about astronomy and different natural phenomena in geology and the other natural sciences. I was fascinated by many of the inventions that had been designed by famous...

March 25, 2017 The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary; Passing into Eternal Life (1944) of Blessed Omelian (Emil) Kovch, Priest of Peremyshliany and Martyr of Majdanek

When the All-Holy Virgin completed the fourteenth year after her birth and was entering her fifteenth year, after having spent eleven years of living and serving in the Temple of Jerusalem, the priests informed her that, according to the Law, she could not remain in...

Genesis 9:18–10:1- Do We Cover Nakedness?

Glory be to Jesus Christ! Think back to the first time you heard about nakedness in the Bible. Not very far in right? After Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil they discovered they were naked. Not because they had become more...

Isaiah 25:1-9- Who are you Waiting For?

Glory be to Jesus Christ! I enjoy superhero stories very much. When I was a boy I wanted very much to be Spiderman and use my powers to make the world a better place. The idea of someone who cares and “saves the day” simply because it is the right thing to do...

Genesis 8:21-9:7- My Brother’s Keeper

Glory be to Jesus Christ! What do you think Hell is like? There have been many different analogies used for Hell throughout the Scriptures and by contemporary authors. Our Lord used the garbage dump just outside the city of Jerusalem, Gehenna, where trash was...

Unto Us a Son is Given

Feb. 17, Friday: Bethlehem – Ein Karem This morning we drive to Bethlehem to visit the place of birth of our Lord, The Basilica of the Nativity. We will visit the Grotto of Nativity and the Church of St. Catherine where the Midnight Mass is celebrated and the...

Genesis 8:4-21- A New Creation

Glory be to Jesus Christ! God made a reboot of creation. Having seen the wickedness that the world had descended into, and regretting His creation of the world, God begins again.  We often focus on the death and destruction which ensues in this story, and...

Letter from Cardinal Thomas Collins to Mr. Justin Trudeau

Dear Mr. Trudeau, I am deeply concerned about your decision that citizens who, in conscience, seek to assure the protection of the most vulnerable among us are not acceptable as candidates in your party. Just last week Pope Francis sent a message of support for...

Iconography Workshop – Edmonton Eparchy

AGE: Age 16 and over DESCRIPTION: Instructor: Fr. Bohdan Nahachewsky All levels are welcome.  This is a wonderful spiritual opportunity! Over two weekends participants will complete a Byzantine icon in this intensive, prayerful workshop. DATES & TIMES: May 4,5,–...

Coalition for HealthCARE and Conscience

[gview file=""]   Bill C-14 (“medical assistance in dying”) is currently before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights. Those working with...

To Be Loved

One message of this Jubilee Year of Mercy is that we can be assured God loves us. Perhaps the greatest proof of this is the gift of his body and blood in the Eucharist. Pope Francis said, “the Eucharist is Jesus, who gives himself entirely to us.” Isn’t this the core...

He Delights in Us

From earliest times, our ancestors have recognized and been awestruck by God’s love for us and his mercy in creating and sustaining us. The Book of Proverbs revels in the idea that the creator “found delight in the human race." [PRV 8:31] And the Psalmist sings a song...

In Their Debt

by Brent Kostyniuk Whenever I look at this photograph of my grandparents, I want to ask them what they are thinking. What drove you and your family to leave your home and travel to an unknown country, with a foreign language you had never even heard spoken before? Was...

The Sounds of Mercy

The prophet Elijah sought God in windstorm and earthquake and fire. But he heard God only as a “still, small voice.” [1 Kings 19:12] In Psalm 46, we are advised to, “Be still, and know that I am God.” But after more than a week of prayer in the upper room, the...

May 15, 2016 Pentecost Sunday

GREAT VESPERS If it is the custom, after the initial Amen, all kneel and sing in Tone 6: Heavenly King, Advocate, Spirit of Truth,* who are everywhere present and fill all things,* Treasury of Blessings, Bestower of Life,* come, and dwell within us;* cleanse us of all...

Patriarchal Letter Regarding Fort McMurray Fires (ENG/UKR)

Unofficial translation May 9, 2016   Most Reverend Bishop David! Reverend priests, dear brothers and sisters, Faithful of the Edmonton Eparchy of our Church! I have been informed that in a large area of the Province of Alberta people are suffering from a recent...

May 10, 2016 Holy Apostle Simon the Zealot

GREAT VESPERS At Psalm 140 In Tone 4 Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice! You suffered as a Man, Christ our God; You rose on the third day, despoiling death, raising with Yourself all those held fast in corruption. You ascended to the...

Forever Easter

If Jesus forgave and prayed for those who were nailing his hands and feet to the cross, how much more does he love us who turned to him in repentance during Lent? This is a most welcome thought as we journey through this Jubilee Year of Mercy. As Eastertide draws to...

Fedorah Parish – 80th Anniversary

Fedorah Parish – 80th Anniversary

The Parish of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Fedorah (40 km northeast of Edmonton), celebrated its 80th Anniversary on May 5, 2016.  With mass immigration of Ukrainians to Canada in the late 1800s - early 1900s, hundreds of Ukrainian...

Bishop David: Christian Charity Needed

The good people of Fort McMurray and area have recently been devastated by wildfires, a terrible tragedy. Some 80,000 residents have been evacuated and 1,600 homes and businesses lost. Emergency relief efforts are now under way to provide aid for the evacuees. We can...

May 5, 2016: Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ

GREAT VESPERS At Psalm 140 In Tone 6 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. The Lord ascended into heaven to send the Comforter into this world. The heavens prepared His throne and the clouds were His ladder; the angels marvelled at the...

Mary’s Month

May is traditionally the month dedicated to the Mother of God. She holds special significance for us during this Jubilee Year of Mercy because through her willingness to bear the Christ child, God became "visible" in a particular way as the Father who is rich in...

Growth of Ukrainian Catholic church continues

Source: Dailyheraldtribune.comAuthor: Kevin Hampson Some Grande Prairie church congregations are growing so much that they no longer fit into their churches. That was the case two years ago with the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish; the little chapel that...

All I Ask

All I Ask At the Last Supper, Jesus gave us what could be called his final, “death bed” request. It sums up the entire sense of his incarnation, teaching, passion, death and resurrection in these few words: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should...

April 25, 2016 Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark

GREAT VESPERS Kathisma “Blessed is the man…” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 5 Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice! Today is the radiant and beautiful day which marks the middle of the Saviour’s feast of Resurrection! The feast which...

April 24, 2016 Sunday of the Samaritan Woman

GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man…” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 4 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. We never cease to adore Your life-giving Cross, O Christ our God, and we glorify Your Resurrection on the...

Lord, Have Mercy

We give You thanks, O invisible King, for by Your infinite power You created all things and, in Your great mercy, brought all things from nothingness into being. Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom Mercy is central to our Faith. So central, in fact, that Pope...

The Season of Pentecost – Mission Days Guidebook

By taking an active role in the spiritual efforts of these ten Mission Days, we are called to better understand that, by their very nature, our parish communities and families (domestic churches) have a missionary character. This missionary spirit is a consequence of...

Because We Were Lost

Because We Were Lost The relationship we have with Jesus is wonderfully described in calling him the “Good Shepherd.” Jesus guards, guides, protects and watches over us, just as a human shepherd cares for his flock. The image of Christ bearing a lamb on his shoulders...

Thin Places

The early Celts used to say that heaven and earth are only three feet apart, and that in the “thin places” the distance is even smaller. Today, we sometimes stand mute, gazing upon the Milky Way glowing in the night sky or waves dashing themselves upon rocky coasts or...

"Best practices" As it Relates to Pillar Two: "To Love God"

TO LOVE GOD – PILLAR TWO Annual Parish prayers for those who have passed away over the last year. As a community of the faithful, we should come together annually to pray for all those members of the parish who have passed away over the last year. Invite all...