Progress on Our Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine Fundraiser

 Ukrainian Catholic News in Alberta

Repose of +Bessie Tyrkalo

With sadness, we announce the passing the mother of Fr Josaphat Tyrkalo,osbm, Bessie (Paraskevia) who reposed in the Lord on March 31 at the age of...

Пастирське послання Блаженнішого Святослава з нагоди відновлення Акту посвяти України під Покров Пресвятої Богородиці

Не маємо іншої допомоги, не маємо іншої надії, крім тебе, Пречиста Діво! Ти нам допоможи, на тебе надіємось і тобою хвалимось: бо ми твої слуги, щоб...

Truth and Reconciliation Program

ALBERTA NATIONAL EVENT MARCH 27-30, 2014 EDMONTON | SHAW CONFERENCE CENTRE   Welcome to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC)...

The Last Supper – a Passover Seder

The Last Supper – a Passover Seder Learn about the Jewish Passover Seder and the Institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper Sunday, March 30,...


MESSAGE OF POPE FRANCIS FOR THE 48TH WORLD COMMUNICATIONS DAY Communication at the Service of an Authentic Culture of Encounter [Sunday, 1 June...


APPEAL FOR HARMONY IN UKRAINE Vatican City, 3 March 2014 (VIS) – Following the Angelus prayer, Pope Francis launched an appeal for harmony in...

Bishop’s Message – Shroud of Turin

Bishop’s Message – Shroud of Turin

 The Shroud of Turin Solemn Exposition of an Official Replica Authorized by the Archdiocese of Turin, Italy   Come and See!   By Bishop David...

Prayer Appeal for Ukraine

His Beatitude Sviatoslav during his recent visit to the United States, gave an interview to Catholic News Service. In the interview, he renewed his...

Unity 2014 August 14-17: Faith Forward

Unity 2014 August 14-17: Faith Forward “God is with you, wherever you go” – Joshua 1.9 UNITY 2014 is a retreat for all Young Adults (18-35) from...

Bethlehem Peace Light

At the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, burns a flame at the site of Christ’s birth. This flame, kept lit for centuries, is the Bethlehem Peace...