In a world facing environmental challenges, the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton is committed to echoing the call for responsible stewardship of the Earth. Embracing the teachings of Pope Francis and inspired by the Laudato Si encyclical, the Ukrainian Catholic...
As the world grapples with environmental challenges, individuals and communities are increasingly recognizing the need for sustainable living, especially in our food choices. The heart of our communities lies in the sustenance we derive from the Earth, and...
In a world that is increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainable living, the Social Mission Commission of the Eparchy of Edmonton extends a heartfelt invitation to retailers in Edmonton and Calgary to embrace eco-friendly practices. By taking meaningful steps...
6 Changes to Make in Your House to Care for God’s Creation There are so many things we all do as humans that harm the environment and we may not realize it. For starters, a great place to begin would be to pray the Season of Creation prayer to show gratitude for all...
Tell the world about the gift of the earth that we have received from the Creator. As a precious gift from God we want to take good care of it. This year’s theme is: A Home for all. Renewing the Oikos of God. Oikos is a Greek word meaning home. Create a poster that...