Question answered by: Fr. Planchak Full Response: Thanks for the good question. There are many ways to learn more about the Ukrainian Catholic Church. First, there are many books. I would recommend Christ – Our Pascha: The Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. ...
Full Question: Can someone baptized Ukrainian Catholic receive communion if they were not confirmed? As an adult, I have found my way back to the church but was recently told by a Roman Catholic friend that I should not receive communion because I am not confirmed....
Answered by: Fr. Planchak Response: Thank you for the good question. First, let’s ask ourselves, “Why do we go to school?” – to learn something and to achieve something in life, to gain knowledge that would be beneficial for us. If we cheat, what do we learn? If...
Question answered by: Fr. Jim Response: Thank you for your question. The fact that you were baptized Catholic as an infant means that you are Catholic, but there are additional considerations that need to be explored: 1) Were you baptized as a member of the...