Liturgical Propers
Divine Liturgy, Matins and VespersThis duplicate page will be combined with our main page of on June 16 2023, please find this page on the Eparchy of Edmonton’s website menu bar.
Friday, March 9 – Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Friday of the Fourth Week of the Great Fast
LITURGY OF THE PRESANCTIFIED GIFTS At Psalm 140 In Tone 7 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. I have enslaved the dignity of my soul to the passions, and have become like the beasts; I can no longer raise my eyes to You, O God most...
New Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton Pastoral Assignments (2018-2023)
The following Clergy Pastoral Assignments take effect August 1, 2018: Calgary – Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish – Rev. Roman Planchak Calgary – Saint Stephen the Protomartyr Parish – Rev. Greg Faryna Camrose and District Parishes – Rev. Mark Bayrock...
March 2 – Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Friday of the Third Week of the Great Fast
LITURGY OF THE PRESANCTIFIED GIFTS At Psalm 140 In Tone 7 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. Like the prodigal, I have turned away from Your grace; I have wasted the riches of Your goodness, O Lord. I now run to You and cry out: I...
March 4 – Third Sunday of the Great Fast: Veneration of the Holy Cross, Tone 6; Our Venerable Father Gerasimus of the Jordan (475)
GREAT VESPERS Before the beginning of the service, the Precious Cross is brought from the table of the Prothesis or the sacristy and placed on the Holy Table. A candle is lit and left burning in front of it. Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm...
Feb 28 – Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Wednesday of the Third Week of the Great Fast
LITURGY OF THE PRESANCTIFIED GIFTS At Psalm 140 In Tone 4 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. Like the prodigal I squandered my paternal inheritance, and now I am in desolation. I dwell in the land of the wicked. In my folly, I became...
A Day of Gratitude and Rededication – ДЕНЬ ПОДЯКИ TA ВІДНОВЛЕННЯ ПОСВЯТИ
Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton celebrates restoration of a spiritual heritage site Photos and article by Jayne L. Buryn, Communications Coordinator, Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton February 22, 2018: “My heart is filled with joy and pride,” Bishop David...
Feb 24 – The First and Second Finding of the Precious Head of the Holy, Glorious Prophet and Forerunner John the Baptist
DIVINE LITURGY Troparia and Kontakia Troparion, Tone 4: The head of the Forerunner has dawned from the earth* shedding rays of incorruption and healing on those who believe;* from on high it assembles the multitude of angels,* from below it summons the human race* to...
Feb 23 – Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Friday of the Second Week of the Great Fast
LITURGY OF THE PRESANCTIFIED GIFTS At Psalm 140 In Tone 1 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. O faithful, to undertake a spiritual fast, we must speak no deceit with our tongues nor place obstacles in the path of each other. But by...
Feb 25 – Second Sunday of the Great Fast: St. Gregory of Palamas, Tone 5; Our Holy Father Tarasius, Archbishop of Constantinople (806)
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 5 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. With Your precious Cross, O Christ, You have put the Devil to shame. With Your Resurrection You have deadened...
Feb 21 – Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Wednesday of the Second Week of the Great Fast
LITURGY OF THE PRESANCTIFIED GIFTS At Psalm 140 In Tone 1 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. O faithful, to undertake a spiritual fast, we must speak no deceit with our tongues nor place obstacles in the path of each other. But by...
Our Precious Monasteries
by Brent Kostyniuk When the pioneer settlers came to the Prairies, they brought with them precious possessions that would remind them of the lives they had left behind; keepsakes that would help see them through the challenges and hardships that would be...
Religious Education Office: Great Lent and Pascha Resources for Purchase
February 17; Repose of Our Venerable Father Constantine the Philosopher, in the Monastic Life, Cyril, Teacher of the Slavs (869); First Saturday of the Great Fast
DIVINE LITURGY Troparia and Kontakia Troparion, Tone 4: From your childhood you befriended wisdom,* O God-inspired Cyril.* Behold her as a pure virgin all radiant* you took her as a brie for yourself,* and as with beads of gold* she adorned your mind and soul.* O...
February 16; Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Friday of the First Week of the Great Fast
LITURGY OF THE PRESANCTIFIED GIFTS At Psalm 140 In Tone 5 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. Come, O faithful, let us fulfil the works of God in the light; and let us walk with dignity as in the light of day; let us tear up every...
February 18; First Sunday of the Great Fast: The Sunday of Orthodoxy, Tone 4; Our Holy Father Leo, Pope of Rome (461)
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 4 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. We never cease to adore Your life-giving Cross, O Christ our God, And we glorify Your resurrection on the third...
February 14; Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Wednesday of the First Week of the Great Fast
LITURGY OF THE PRESANCTIFIED GIFTS At Psalm 140 In Tone 8 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. O faithful, while fasting bodily, let us also fast in spirit. Let us loosen every bond of injustice; let us tear apart the strong chains of...
Eastern Hospitality: A Discussion on Fasting
The post Eastern Hospitality: A Discussion on Fasting appeared first on Royal Doors. Source: Royal Doors
New Cooking Show: Eastern Hospitality
This is an Easter Catholic online cooking show hosted by Fr. Moses and Mother Gabriella. It follows the Traditional cycle of the Liturgical Year which takes us through periods of preparation (fasting) and celebrating (feasting). New episodes will be released...
Resources for Great Lent
Upcoming GriefShare Sessions: March 8 – May 24
Please join us if you have experienced the loss of a Loved one GriefShare is a 11 - week program for those searching for support in their grief over the loss of a loved one. Each session will include a video and group discussion. Our goal is to build community with...
UGCC Bishops of Canada – On the Relocation of Holy Spirit Seminary
Pastoral Letter of the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of Canada Announcing THE RELOCATION OF HOLY SPIRIT UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC SEMINARY To the Very Reverend Clergy, Monastics and Religious Sisters, Seminarians and Laity of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada: (The Lord...
February 11; Cheesefare Sunday, Tone 3; the Holy Priest-Martyr Blaise, Bishop of Sebastia (313-24)
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 3 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. By Your Cross, O Christ our Saviour, the power of Death has been vanquished and the deceit of the devil has been...
The Old Order: As nuns reach golden years, they comfort and care for each other in Mundare
A photo essay by Leah Hennel - Calgary Herald She has lived in a convent since she was 16, but Sister Laura Prokop has hardly led a cloistered life. The 71-year-old nun is well aware of how the world has changed since she joined the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate...
February 4; Meatfare Sunday, Tone 2; Post-feast of the Encounter; Our Venerable Father Isidore of Pelusium (408-50)
GREAT VESPERSKathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 2 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. Come, let us adore God the Word, Who was born of the Father before all ages, and was incarnate of the Virgin...
February 2; The Encounter of Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is taken only if the feast falls on a Sunday or Monday. At Psalm 140 In Tone 1 Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice! O Simeon, tell us whom you are joyfully carrying into the...
January 30; Three Holy Hierarchs, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man…” is taken. At Psalm 140 In Tone 4 Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice! Let us glorify the three great preachers of the Trinity, the instruments of grace and harps of the Spirit, renowned...
In Thanksgiving for Years of Service
by Alex Pankiw On Saturday, December 30, 2017, Ukrainian Catholic Youth and Young Adults of the Archeparchy of Winnipeg came together to extend a bittersweet farewell to Tamara Lisowski, the Youth Director for the Archeparchy of Winnipeg. Tamara served the...
January 28; Sunday of the Prodigal Son, Tone 1; Our Venerable Father Ephrem the Syrian (373)
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 1 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. Accept our evening prayer, O holy Lord, and grant us forgiveness of sins, for You alone manifested the...
Sharing Jordan
by Brent Kostyniuk Today the darkness of the world vanishes with the appearance of our God. Today the celestials celebrate with the terrestrials, and the terrestrials commune with the celestials. The Great Service for the Sanctification of the Water Christians...
Jan 20; Venerable and God-bearing Father Euthymius
GREAT VESPERS At Psalm 140 In Tone 1 Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice! A heavenly angel was sent beforehand to announce your birth, father Euthymius. Like John, you came from the womb of a barren woman and you showed yourself to be his...
Preserving Tradition: Edmonton Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy Pastoral Centre welcomes Christmas caroling
Story and photos by Jayne L. Buryn, Communications Coordinator, Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton January 8, 2018: Once again this year, the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton Pastoral Centre rang with the sound of music. The custom of singers visiting homes...
Iconography Retreat/Workshop
Join Fr. Bo Nahachewsky in the beauty of God’s creation at this retreat style Icon workshop at camp Oselia. Participants will complete a Byzantine icon of the crucifixion, under Fr. Bo’s instruction and will have the opportunity to explore prayer and silent reflection...
Table for Two – You are My Valentine
A romantic candlelit dinner for couples married or dating, ``Table for Two`` provides the ideal opportunity to focus only on each other. Each of the four courses is served up with discussion starters which invite couples to explore and deepen their relationship with...
Jan 17; Venerable and God-Bearing Father Anthony the Great
GREAT VESPERS At Psalm 140 In Tone 4 Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice! Burning with divine love and radiant with the Spirit, your soul rose to desire truly infinite love! You despised flesh and blood, and lived apart from the world, yet...
Jan 21; Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, Tone 8; Our Venerable Father Maximus the Confessor (662); the Holy Martyr Neophytus (284-305); the Holy Martyrs Eugene, Candidus, Valerian, and Aquilas
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 8 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. O Christ, during this spiritual service, we sing to You these evening prayers, commemorating the mercy You have...
Upholding Tradition: Edmonton’s Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Parish blesses altar
By Helen Sirman, Parish Pastoral Council president, with edit and design by Jayne L. Buryn, Communications Coordinator, Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton; photos by Alex Schabel and the late Laurence Sirman On Sunday, October 29, 2017, Dormition of the Most Holy...
“Sharing in the Healing Ministry of Jesus”: Eighth annual Bishop’s Gala Celebrates Catholic Health Care in Alberta
Story and photos by Jayne L. Buryn, Communications Coordinator, Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton On Thursday, December 7, 2017, 236 guests, “the most we’ve ever had!” according to chief event organizer, Andrea Leader, from all walks of life and affiliations...
Bishop’s Cathedral Restoration Fundraiser
THE BISHOP’S CATHEDRAL RESTORATION FUNDRAISER – Sunday, February 11, 2018 – а Day of Gratitude and Re-Dedication. Honoured Guest – His Grace, Most Reverend Lawrence Huculak, Metropolitan of Winnipeg. Hierarchical Divine Liturgy – 10:00 AM, St. Josaphat Cathedral,...
Jan 14; Zacchaeus Sunday, Tone 7; Leave-taking of the Feast of the Holy Theophany; Our Venerable Fathers Massacred in Sinai and Rhaithu (c. 370); the Repose of the Holy Equal-to-the Apostles Nina, Enlightener of Georgia
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 7 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. Come, let us rejoice in the Lord, Who destroyed the power of death and enlightened the human race; and let us...
Jan 10; Post-feast of Theophany; Holy Martyrs of Pratulyn; Our Holy Father Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa (after 394); the Venerable Dometian, Bishop of Miletene (582-602); Our Venerable Father Marcian, Presbyter and Econome of the Great Church (450-57)
VESPERS At Psalm 140 In Tone 6 If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered. Divine ones who were witnesses of God, His disciples and ministers of His great mystery, you received the grace of healing, and cure the...
Great changes in 2017 for Camp Oselia Director
Damian Rudiak experiences several life changing events By Jayne L. Buryn, Communications Coordinator, Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton “2017 has been a year of big changes for me,” said Damian Rudiak, Director of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton’s...
Post-synodal Letter on Prayer and Liturgy (ENG/UKR)
Prayer in the Life of the Church Epistle of the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in 2017 to Clergy, Monastics, and Laity “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11: 1) Very Reverend and Reverend fathers! Venerable brothers and sisters in monasticism!...
December 31, 2017; Sunday after the Nativity of Christ; Octoechos Tone 5; The Leave-taking of the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, Christmas; Our Venerable Mother Melania the Roman (439)
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 5 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. With Your precious Cross, O Christ, You have put the Devil to shame. With Your Resurrection You have deadened...
December 25, 2017; The Nativity in the Flesh of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ
GREAT VESPERS At Psalm 140 In Tone 2 Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice! Come, let us rejoice in the Lord as we tell of the present mystery. Destroyed is the middle wall of partition; the flaming sword turns back, the cherubim withdraw from...
December 24, 2017; Sunday before the Nativity of Christ; Octoechos Tone 4; Eve of the Nativity of Christ; The Holy Venerable-Martyr Eugenia
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 8 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. The commemoration of the holy Fathers is manifested to the ends of the world. It is truly full of splendor, and...
December 17, 2017; Sunday of the Holy Ancestors; Octoechos Tone 3; The Holy Prophet Daniel, the Three Holy Youths Ananiah (Ananias), Azariah (Azarias) and Mishael (Misael) (6th century BC)
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 3 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. By Your Cross, O Christ our Saviour, the power of Death has been vanquished and the deceit of the devil has been...
December 09; Conception of St. Anna
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 4 Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice! The barren Anna leaped for joy when she gave birth to Mary the Virgin who in turn will give birth in the flesh to God...
Christmas gifts from the Pastoral Centre
We have Icons of the Nativity of Our Lord, Religious Christmas Tree Ornaments, puzzles for both kids and adults, and Christmas greeting cards. More pictures and gift ideas to come next week! [gallery...
by Brent Kostyniuk During 1932 and 1933, an estimated seven to ten million people starved to death in Soviet controlled Ukraine because of a man-made famine, the Holodomor—death by starvation—even though the country was producing bumper crops of grain....
December 10; Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost; Octoechos Tone 2; The Holy Martyrs Menas, Hermogenes and Eugraphus
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 2 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. Come, let us adore God the Word, Who was born of the Father before all ages, and was incarnate of the Virgin...
December 06; Our Holy Father Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 2 Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice! O holy Nicholas, Bishop of Christ, you lived your life with people of Myra. But since your spirit was anointed,...
December 05; Our Venerable and God-Bearing Father Sabbas the Sanctified
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man…” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 5 Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice! O divinely wise Sabbas, you stand together with the Angels and dwell with the holy monks; you converse with the...
November 30; Holy and All-Praiseworthy Apostle Andrew the First-Called
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 4 If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered. When he who is called the Morning Star, the splendour of the glory of the eternal...
News About the UGCC English Catechism
December 1, 2017 UGCC Catechism in English will be available online. Stay tuned!
December 3, 2017; Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost; Octoechos Tone 1; The Holy Prophet Zephaniah (Sophonias) (7th century BC)
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 1 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. Accept our evening prayer, O holy Lord, and grant us forgiveness of sins, for You alone manifested the...
November 26, 2017; Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost; Octoechos Tone 8; Our Venerable Father Alypius the Stylite (610-41); James the Hermit (457); The Blessing of the Church of the Holy Great-Martyr George which is in Kiev, before the Gates of Holy Wisdom Cathedral (1019-54)
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man...” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 8 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name. O Christ, during this spiritual service, we sing to You these evening prayers, commemorating the mercy You have...
Video: Bishop David on Remembering the Holodomor
Praznyk reached out to the community: The Holy Spirit at work at Festival of the Mother of God
By Bill Lewchuk, St. Stephen Protomartyr Ukrainian Catholic Parish, Calgary (Edit and design by Jayne L. Buryn, Communications Coordinator, Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton) St. Stephen Protomartyr parish in Calgary is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year...
November 21, 2017; Entrance of the Mother of God Into the Temple
GREAT VESPERS Beginning of Vespers with Litiya: Glory be to the holy, consubstantial, life-creating and undivided Trinity, now and ever and for ages of ages. Amen. Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 1 Out of the depths I cry to You, O...
Nativity Fast (St. Philip’s Fast) – Nov 15-Dec 24: Activity Ideas
The Nativity Fast is upon us— it begins on Nov 15 (Nov 28) and ends on the day of the feast Dec 25 (Jan 7). During this time we are encouraged to take forty days to prepare ourselves, and our families, to be spiritually ready to receive the incarnate God who comes to...