Particular Law Now Available in Ukrainian and English

The new Particular Law (Canons) have been reviewed in a process which lasted over 10 years. They oblige all Ukrainian Catholics. Also, all Eparchial statutes must be reviewed to make sure that they are compliant to the new laws. They were recently promulgated by our...

Herald of Heavenly Mysteries

Since the second century Christians have been accustomed to identify the second of our four Gospels by the name of its author, Mark the Evangelist. The Gospel itself, however, never identifies its author by name or gives us any clue to the author’s identity. What,...

Why Are There Two Paschas?

A sore point in the relationship between the Churches concerns the date on which we celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Often one group of Christians is observing Pascha while their neighbors may have up to a month to go before they do the same. While some people...

A Lamb Without Blemish and Without Spot

What’s in a name?” This question, which Shakespeare put in the mouth of Juliet, has become something of a cliché ever since. Nevertheless, it is certainly a valid question when we look at our name for the Feast of Christ’s Resurrection. In AD 725 St Bede the...

Message of the UGCC Bishops of Canada on Pascha 2015

To the Reverend Clergy, Monastics and Religious Sisters and Brothers, Seminarians and Laity of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada: Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! “Behold, today is the day of the Resurrection, let us...