The eparchy and all parishes must have insurance coverage to protect the parish, parishioners, councils, and committees from unexpected and catastrophic loss. All parishes should be enrolled with the Eparchial Insurance Program, which is specifically tailored for...
Burst Pipes and Sprinkler Malfunctions Steps to take should your facility experience a burst pipe or sprinkler malfunction Burst water pipes and broken fire sprinkler heads can very quickly cause a serious amount of damage and equally serious consequences. Among...
What Church Management Software Does Your Parish Use? Name Email Address Parish What software does your parish use? Is it working for you? What are some of the key features? 1 + 8 = Submit What is a Church Management Structure? Church management software assists...
What is Record Retention? Records retention is a practice by which organizations maintain records for set periods of time, and then employ a system of actions to either redirect, store or dispose of them.  Such records, either prepared by or received by the parish,...