Download the Printable Memo Document Parishes may receive donations in the form of cash, securities, goods, or even capital property. Those parishes, designated as a charitable organization, can provide individuals, organizations, and businesses with donation receipts...
Canon 25, 1 of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches states: “The Christian faithful are obliged to assist with the needs of the Church so that the Church has what is necessary for its proper ends, especially for divine worship, for apostolic works and works of...
EPARCHY OF EDMONTON ANNUAL EPARCHIAL COLLECTIONS I – AID TO THE MISSIONARY CHURCH IN CANADA (GREAT LENT) The purpose of this collection is to support the needs of the Church in Canada. Three charitable institutions are the recipients of the collection: the...
For discussion by way of “Food for Thought” Last updated May 13, 2021 Dear Pastors and Parish Pastoral Districts, On occasion, the question arises in a district as to what happens when a given parish cancels a scheduled Divine Liturgy or other liturgical...
Organize Your Parish Finances This article helps walk you through the basics of parish financial management. This article gives examples of financial statements and helps walk you through what is expected of individuals involved in parish finances. Watch our...