Canon 25, 1 of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches states:

“The Christian faithful are obliged to assist with the needs of the Church so that the Church has what is necessary for its proper ends, especially for divine worship, for apostolic works and works of charity, and for the decent sustenance of ministers.”

          It is not sufficient to speak of the right and duty of supporting the mission of the Church in broad terms only. Ultimately, specific means and mechanisms must be provided.

          Therefore, in accordance with canon 1012,1 all parishes of the Eparchy of Edmonton are required to remit to the Pastoral Centre a cathedraticum for eparchial needs.

          The cathedraticum supports the pastoral care of the laity, religious, deacons, priests, and parishes of the Eparchy of Edmonton. It helps to provide programs such as religious education, youth ministry, marriage tribunal, counselling, sacraments, ecumenism, vocations, seminary, and priests ministry and education.

          To carry out such responsibilities, the Eparchy must have the benefit of research and expert advice, which in turn requires staff, offices, time, and money. Through cathedraticum, all the faithful are able to support the work of the Eparchy.

          The following norms are established to guide pastors in the submission of cathedraticum:

  1. Cathedraticum is calculated for all parishes, including those with a debt, at 10% of the total of collections for Sundays and Feast Days, including Christmas and New Years. Collections include parishioner, visitor, and loose contributions.
  2. Parishes served each and every Sunday of the year are to remit their cathedraticum monthly.
  3. Parishes not served each and every Sunday of the year are to submit their cathedraticum annually.
  4. Cheques for cathedraticum are to be made payable to “Eparchy of Edmonton”.
  5. Deviation from the above must be cleared, in writing, with the Bishop.
  6. All contrary practices are hereby revoked.


          This policy is retroactive to January 1, 2019.