Welcome to

Religious Education

What are you looking for?


This section has information relating to religious education for your parish.

Material Resources

Using both online and offline resources, we provide resources for parish and domestic religious education.

Catechist Formation

Mentoring and coaching our eparchial catechists is vital to the success of our religious education.

Human Resources

Planning a faith development or learning event? We can provide assistance by offering resources, expertise, logistical planning and we are happy to come and help in the execution of the event if desired.

Eparchial Events

We provided eparchial-wide events that can be requested directly for your parish and your parish can join the numerous events we hold.

Articles For You

Mission Day Guidebooks And Vibrant Parish

Mission Day Guidebooks And Vibrant Parish

The Vibrant Parish ProgramOur Lord Jesus Christ before his ascension into heaven instructed his disciples, saying: “Go therefore andmake disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the HolySpirit, teaching them to observe...

Religious Education Store Pop-up: A Parish Case Study

Religious Education Store Pop-up: A Parish Case Study

In the spirit of fostering a deeper connection to faith beyond the pews, St. Vladimir Parish in Red Deer embarked on a unique religious education initiative in collaboration with the St. Macrina Store, operated by the Eparchy of Edmonton. This article delves into the...

Facilitating a Faith Sharing Group

Facilitating a Faith Sharing Group

Article written by Alex PankiwWhat is a Faith Sharing Group? Simply put, a faith-sharing group is a group of individuals who are seeking to enter deeper into their faith while focusing on a particular text or theme. Examples might include: A women’s faith sharing...

How to Become a More Welcoming Parish

How to Become a More Welcoming Parish

I was a stranger and you welcomed me (Matthew 25:35)Hospitality in the Early ChurchThe word hospitality is derived from the Latin word hospes, which means guest. To be hospitable is to be welcoming and friendly to guests. In Greek, the word for hospitality is...

Directory for Catechesis Webinar Series and Resource Kit

Directory for Catechesis Webinar Series and Resource Kit

In October 2020, the Office for Evangelization and Catechesis (OEC) hosted a four-part webinar series on the recently released Directory for Catechesis. We are pleased to inform you that the webinar recordings and the supporting PowerPoint Presentations are now...

16 Ways To Welcome New Parishioners to Church

16 Ways To Welcome New Parishioners to Church

The Parish Welcoming Committee plays a central role in helping our parishes become more vibrant and welcoming communities.  The welcoming committee is the face and heart of the parish to new members, visitors and even other members of the parish.  They help to build...


2021 Catholic Parish Outreach Guide

Instruction for Applying the Liturgical Prescriptions of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches

  • Meaning and Nature of Instruction
  • Inalienable Value of Particular Heritage of Eastern Churches
  • Richness of Liturgical Heritage
  • Competencies and Components of Liturgical Legislation
  • Liturgical Celebration as Icon of Church

And more…

2021 Catholic Parish Outreach Guide

Pastoral Suggestions for World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

  • Pastoral guidelines
  • Preparing for the day with the elderly
  • Preparing for the day with the youth
  • Plenary Indulgence
  • Liturgical resources

And more…

Official Prayer WGDE_page-0001

Official Prayer of World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Downloadable prayer card

2021 Catholic Parish Outreach Guide

Prayercards for Grandparents

  • A Prayer to Saints Joachim and Anna for Our Grandchildren
  • A Prayer for Grandparents and the Elderly

Discover the beauty of Eastern Christianity

Build your faith, grow closer to God, and connect with the community through these other great resources! 

Royal Doors

Royal Doors - English Language Resources for Ukrainian Greek Catholics

Royal Doors was launched as a website to provide English language resources for Ukrainian Greek Catholics in July 2011. We hope to have an ever-growing collection of catechetical resources, liturgical services, “how to” videos, news articles, and many other items that will serve the needs of the Church. 


Metropolitan Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies

The Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies (MASI) is an autonomous academic unit of the Faculty of Theology of the University of St. Michael’s College (USMC) in the University of Toronto (U of T). It specializes in Eastern Christian Studies, including the theology, spirituality, liturgy, history, and ecclesial polity of the Eastern Christian Churches, both Orthodox and Catholic. The Institute focuses on all four families of Eastern Churches: Eastern Orthodox, Pre-Chalcedonian, Assyrian and Eastern Catholic.


True Light – A Podcast by the Sheptytsky Institute | Metropolitan ...

God With Us Online

God With Us Online on Vimeo

A great outreach project of the Eparchial Directors of Religious Education (ECED) and the Eastern Catholic Associates (ECA) in the United States. Previously recorded webinars livestreamed webinars and presentations


Tranquillight Calling

Selection of Ukrainian Catholic videos. 

Discover More Here

Живе Телебачення

Online Training for Solemn Holy Communion Teachers

In this online class we take you through the required educational outcomes for children preparing for first confession and solemn holy communion (See the printable booklet).  In a three day training session, we provide catechetical instruction, resources, practical examples and extra materials that will enhance your religious education. You will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course.

Ben Windsor

Let’s Work Together to Share the Good News

For parishes in the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton, you can request religious education assistant with our Eparchial Director Of Catechesis. Send us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Bernadette Mandrusiak, Director Of Catechesis