Formation Programs

Transform Your Life,
Transform Your Parish,
Transform the World!

Are you an active parishioner who desires to deepen your knowledge and serve your community more profoundly?
Our Leadership and Diaconal Formation Programs are designed to empower you with spiritual and theological education

What is the Lay Leadership and Diaconal Formation Program?

Inspired by Bishop David’s vision, the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy proudly launched the Lay Leadership and Diaconal Formation Programs in 2021. This initiative realizes our commitment to nurturing “active disciples” within our faith community.

The program is a testament to the belief that all members of the Church – laity, consecrated persons, monastics, and clergy – are called to use their unique gifts and talents to serve God’s Kingdom. It’s not just about observing; it’s about actively participating and contributing to one’s faith journey and the life of the Church.

Guided by the Holy Spirit, the implementation of this program marks a significant step towards realizing our
25-year Eparchial Pastoral Plan and the global “Vibrant Parish” spiritual renewal initiatives. It’s an opportunity for personal transformation and for taking on a vital role in the spiritual vitality of our parish communities.

Join us in this transformative effort and become a faith leader and an instrument of
God’s love in the world!

Ready to take the first step in becoming an “active disciple”?
Become a Lay Leader or a Deacon Today!

What information are you looking for?

Who are these
Programs for?

Responding to the Needs of the Church

Lay Leadership Program

Diaconal Formation Program

How to Apply?

Individual On-Going Faith Formation

Who Are These Programs For?

Two scripture passages form the spiritual foundation of the Lay Leadership and Diaconal Formation Program.

First, just as Jesus entrusted the mission of the Church to the disciples of his day, so are we tasked with spreading the Gospel message and Christ’s teachings throughout the world today.  This is our “Great Commissioning:”

The Commissioning of the Disciples (Matthew 28: 16-20)

If you find yourself actively involved in your parish and yearn to further your understanding of your faith, this program is for you!
The Eparchy of Edmonton’s programs are tailored for:

  •   Lay Leaders: Everyone eager to strengthen their service in the Church through education in Eastern Christian tradition, and who aspire to contribute more profoundly in catechesis, faith formation, and pastoral care.
  • Aspiring Deacons: Men who are discerning a call to ordained ministry and wish to immerse themselves in the study of Eastern Christian Theology to grow spiritually and serve their parish in a more dedicated capacity.

Responding to the Needs of the Church Today

Throughout history, many societal institutions, such as hospitals, schools, and social services were established by the Church to address specific needs. Civil society and government involvement came much later.

Today, the Church must again respond to emerging needs and consider new ministries for lay leaders and deacons to support.

Areas for Ministry:

Elder Care and Support: Our elderly faithful, often forgotten, need regular pastoral care. Simple gestures like phone calls, visits, and prayers can help them stay connected to the parish community. Lay leaders and deacons can initiate and oversee ministries for ongoing elder care.

 Support for the Sick and Shut-ins: Consistent pastoral care for the sick and shut-ins is crucial. Lay leaders and deacons can play a key role in this ministry.

 Palliative Care: Christians are called to support those facing life-threatening illnesses. Palliative care aims to improve their quality of life and offer family support. Lay leaders and deacons can provide comfort and hope to the dying and to their families.

 Holy Communion: The Divine Eucharist nourishes our faith. Lay leaders and deacons can be trained as extraordinary eucharistic ministers to distribute Holy Communion to those unable to attend church.

Family and Life Ministry: Lay leaders and deacons can support family faith formation, help with catechesis, and provide assistance during family struggles.

 Sacramental Preparation and Post-Sacramental Care: Preparing the faithful for sacraments and offering post-sacramental support is essential. Lay leaders and deacons can lead preparation programs and follow up with families.

Catechists: Catechists provide faith formation for all ages. Lay leaders and deacons can support this ministry, helping parishioners grow in their relationship with God.

Volunteers: Volunteering is vital in the Church. Lay leaders and deacons can help identify and cultivate parishioners’ gifts and talents for the benefit of the community.

Active Disciples: Every baptized person is called to active discipleship. Lay leaders and deacons can mentor the faithful and encourage engagement in building God’s Kingdom.

Additional Ministries:

Other potential ministries include spiritual and corporal works of mercy, such as counselling the doubtful, comforting the sorrowful, and feeding the hungry. There are countless opportunities for lay leaders and deacons to serve.

Lay Leadership Program:
Ready to Lead? Become a Parish Leader!


The Lay Leadership Program is a beacon for those who seek to illuminate their path of faith through service. It’s an invitation for active parishioners who are ready to step up and become pillars of their parish community.

Here’s what the program offers:

  • Deepened Faith: In your first year of study, you will explore Sacred Scripture and Eastern Christian theology, spirituality and worship, including the rich meaning of icons.
  • Practical Ministry Skills: In the second year, you will gain applicable knowledge in the area of ministry in which you would like to serve within your parish, either catechesis or pastoral care.
  • Community Support: Enjoy the backing of your parish, with sponsorship and encouragement to blossom on your spiritual journey.
  • Accessible Learning: Benefit from a 2-year program, with six 5-week courses each year, requiring just 4 hours per week.
  • Online Convenience: Embrace learning from wherever you are, complemented by occasional in-person sessions to connect and build community with fellow participants.
  • Expert Guidance: The program is facilitated through Newman Theological College, ensuring you receive top-tier education.

Learn more about the program:
Year I:
Year II catechesis:
Pastoral Care: 

Results: After completing this program, you will have learned about your faith and will have been formed for ministry in your parish.  You will be equipped to support and develop programs in your parish in catechesis, pastoral care and faith formation, sharing God’s word as an active disciple in God’s Kingdom.

Diaconal Formation Program:

Answer the Call to Become a Deacon!

Welcome to the Diaconal Formation Program at the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton. 

Who can apply? This program is tailored for men discerning a vocation of service, seeking to enrich their understanding of Eastern Christian theology, and aspiring to commit to the Church’s mission through ordained ministry. 

What will you gain?

  • Spiritual Growth: Enrich your spiritual life through a fundamental exploration of Sacred Scripture and Eastern Christian theology, liturgy and spirituality. 
  • Pastoral Skills: Acquire practical knowledge in catechesis and pastoral care, empowering you to become a guiding light in your parish and community.
  • Sacred Service: Learn about consecrated, diaconal service, embodying the Church’s compassion and support to those in need.
  • Learn more about the program:
  • For application and more information, contact Father Bohdan Nahachewsky at  

Embark on this transformative journey and become a cornerstone of faith and service in your faith community. Start your path to the diaconate today!

How to Apply?

Parish involvement is crucial, from discernment to financial support, ensuring candidates are woven into the fabric of parish life. Parishes are encouraged to propose candidates for both lay and diaconal ministries, with a balance maintained between the two. Tuition fees for courses are the parish’s responsibility, with the Eparchy covering administration and weekend session costs.

To apply, collaborate with your pastor and parish pastoral council to identify ministry needs. 

  1. Approach your pastor for help in discerning your gifts and talents to determine where they might be best used to serve your parish.
  2. Download and complete the appropriate program application
  3. Submit the completed application to along with a letter of support from your pastor and your Parish Pastoral Council.

For questions and further information, contact Andrea Leader at or
call 780 424 5496. 

Seize this chance to deepen your faith and leadership skills, contributing to the spiritual life of your parish.

Individual on-going faith formation

Individuals who are not interested in enrolling in the Lay Leadership and Diaconate Formation program can still grow in their own faith journey by enrolling in a course(s) of their interest at Newman Theological College, or even enroll in a complete degree program.

See for more information and opportunities.

Transforming the World!

Lay leadership and the diaconate are not at all new to the Church.  However, a collective effort on the part of the bishop and the faithful of the Eparchy of Edmonton to foster a lay leadership and diaconate formation program is.

Like all the faithful, lay leaders and deacons are the face of Christ, not only for those whom they serve in their parishes, but also for their families, neighbours, co-workers, friends and strangers, alike.

Together, as the entire Body of Christ, we can inspire and transform the world, one day at a time, through active engagement with one another in faith and in service to God and the Church!

May God bless our Lay Leadership and Diaconate Formation Program.