May 30: First Sunday after Pentecost. All Saints Sunday.

May 30: First Sunday after Pentecost. All Saints Sunday.

First Sunday after Pentecost. All Saints Sunday; our Venerable Father Isaac, Hegumen of the Dalmatin Monastery (406-25) Great Vespers and Divine Liturgy   GREAT VESPERS Kathsima “Blessed is the man…” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 8 Lead my soul forth from prison*...
May 24: Monday of the Holy Spirit

May 24: Monday of the Holy Spirit

KNEELING VESPERS AND DIVINE LITURGY VESPERS After the initial Amen, all kneel and sing in Tone 6: Heavenly King, Advocate, Spirit of Truth,* who are everywhere present and fill all things,* Treasury of Blessings, Bestower of Life,* come, and dwell within us;* cleanse...