Holy Trinity Parish – Prosperity

Holy Trinity Parish – Prosperity

HOLY TRINITY Parish – Парафія Пресвятої Трійці Location: SW., Section 34, T. 67, R. 19 of the 4 th Meridian, Municipality of Athabasca, Alberta. Prosperity was also known as Grassland. Mykola Cholach donated one acre of land for the church. The church is located 30...
St. George Parish – Manly

St. George Parish – Manly

St. GEORGE Parish – Парафія св. Юрія The Ukrainian settlers started arriving in 1904 (4 families), followed by 6 more families in 1907, and 19 more in 1911. The parish was organized in 1909, and the first church was built (1910) in the same year on 2 acres, donated by...
Holy Eucharist Parish – Frains

Holy Eucharist Parish – Frains

Parish: Holy Eucharist Location: Frains, Alberta HOLY EUCHARIST Parish – Парафія Пресвятої Євхаристії The 2 acres for the church and the cemetery were donated by Semen Yurdyga in 1941. The church (48’ x 28’) is located 26 km. from Prosperity and 64 km. from Athabasca....
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost; October 10, 2021.

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost; October 10, 2021.

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 3; The Holy Martyrs Eulampius and Eulampia (305-13) Great Vespers and Divine Liturgy GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man…” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 3 Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give...