Weddings and Wine

Feb. 14, Tuesday: Mt. Tabor – Cana – Nazareth Drive to Cana of Galilee to visit the wedding Church, where Jesus performed the first of his signs, changing water to wine. Possibility of renewing Wedding Vows. Continue drive to Nazareth and visit the Basilica of...

Royal Doors

by Brent Kostyniuk One of the most distinctive features of the interior of a Byzantine church is its iconostasis, a richly decorated icon screen which establishes the altar area. Far from being a wall which isolates the nave from the sanctuary, theologically...

Preaching in Capernaum

And he went down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee. And he was teaching them on the Sabbath- Luke 4:31 This past Sunday the lesson was from Mark 2:1-12, about the healing of the paralyzed man at Capernaum and how the crowds were so great they had to take the man...

Genesis 10:32–11:9- Back to Babbling

Glory be to Jesus Christ! I love science. When I was a boy I spent a lot of time reading about astronomy and different natural phenomena in geology and the other natural sciences. I was fascinated by many of the inventions that had been designed by famous...