Both Lungs: Light from the East

by Brent Kostyniuk If at times Both Lungs seems to take on a bit of a defensive tone, it is, perhaps, justified. It is, after all, nearly 120 years since Pope Leo XIII issued the apostolic constitution Orientalium Dignitas. In it, the Pope praised the Eastern Churches...

Both Lungs: The Nativity Icon

by Brent Kostyniuk It is often said that icons are windows onto heaven. Indeed, that is exactly what they are meant to be. In their beauty, in their unique artistic style, and in the theology they convey, icons do lead us away from this world and into the next. Unlike...

Both Lungs: Bodily Worship

by Brent Kostyniuk Both Lungs is about East and West. It is about diversity and unity in the universal Catholic Church. However, it is also about the diversity which exists in the East. That diversity leads to richness. Such diversity exists in one of the most basic...