Calendars are hugely important for our lives – much more important than we often give them credit for! This is especially true for Christians. Calendars help us to celebrate feasts and fasts, and to remember events in our own spiritual life, like our baptism. Yearly...
In the wake of ongoing tensions and conflict in Ukraine, the Canadian Council of Churches has released a Pastoral Letter. This document, a reflection of the collective wisdom and guidance from various religious leaders, provides a poignant and timely message amidst...
St. Sophia Parish graciously hosted the enchanting “Table for Two” event this year, providing couples with a truly memorable experience. The evening was nothing short of magical, with love filling the air and creating a beautiful ambiance. Attendees were...
Praying with Icons Windows into Heaven  Reflections on Growing in Our Friendship with Christ by Bishop David Motiuk, Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton March 2023 Marble Floors and Growing in the Image and Likeness of God Praying with Icons. Windows into...
The Three Temptations of Christ An Eparchial Lenten Series In Scripture, we read the account of Jesus retreating to the desert to pray and to fast. There he is tempted by Satan three times and three times he refuses to accept what Satan has to offer. In our...