A Message to Catechists

A Message to Catechists

Lviv, September 26, 2021 # 043 / 2021 Glory be to Jesus Christ! “Were not our hearts burning within us?” (Luke 24:32) Dear Catechists! I greet all of you as we begin a new Catechetical Year! And I express my gratitude to you on behalf of our bishops and pastors...
The Communion of Saints

The Communion of Saints

What is it? If you’ve been a member of the Catholic Church for some time, you have likely heard this term and may know that it is a doctrine of the Church. Have you ever spent any time reflecting on what it means, or considering the depths of what it may mean for your...
Children’s Poster Contest!

Children’s Poster Contest!

Submissions are closed Calling all children and teens! Tell the world about the gift of the earth that we have received from the Creator. As a precious gift from God we want to take good care of it. This year’s theme is: A Home for all. Renewing the Oikos of God. ...