"Pray for Ukriane" – Patriarch Sviatoslav (ENG/UKR)

Considering the social-political situation in Ukraine, I appeal to all the faithful of the Church and to people of good will to uninterrupted prayer for a better fate for our nation. Please pray that God grants His wisdom to our people in general and to every citizen...

Dementia Educational Support Group

Dealing with Dementia – If you are currently dealing with a loved one who has dementia, help is available. The Edmonton Eparchy is sponsoring a Dementia Educational Support group aimed at giving you a better understanding of this disease. The presenter will be...

Advent icons can aid preparation for Christmas

November 25, 2013 RAMON GONZALEZ www.wcr.ab.ca. The article is reprinted with permission from the Western Catholic Reporter on November 25, 2013. Catholics are called to prepare spiritually for Christmas by looking into the life and journey of Christ, says the bishop...

У Римі провели наукову конференцію, присвячену Голодомору

21 листопада в Римі, у залі Карроччо Міської ради італійської столиці, відбулася міжнародна наукова конференція на тему «Голодомор: 80 років пам’яті українського геноциду», організована Християнським товариством українців в Італії у співпраці з Міською радою Рима....