Shroud of Turin replica gifted to Edmonton Eparchy

By Marco Levytsky A Vatican-approved replica of the Shroud of Turin was officially opened for solemn exposition at St. Josaphat’s Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in Edmonton, March 3. It will stay in the cathedral until Holy Friday and Holy Saturday, April 18 and 19. The...

Пастирське послання Блаженнішого Святослава з нагоди відновлення Акту посвяти України під Покров Пресвятої Богородиці

Не маємо іншої допомоги, не маємо іншої надії, крім тебе, Пречиста Діво! Ти нам допоможи, на тебе надіємось і тобою хвалимось: бо ми твої слуги, щоб ми не посоромилися (Молебний канон Пресвятій Богородиці). Дорогі в Христі! У дні, коли наш народ і наша Батьківщина...

Truth and Reconciliation Program

ALBERTA NATIONAL EVENT MARCH 27-30, 2014 EDMONTON | SHAW CONFERENCE CENTRE   Welcome to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) Alberta National Event in Edmonton from March 27 to 30, 2014. We acknowledge that this historic gathering is taking...

Both Lungs: An Encounter With The Shroud

Both Lungs An Encounter With The Shroud by Brent Kostyniuk Both Lungs is about East and West, the belief and spiritual heritage we share as Catholics, and the elements of our respective traditions which are different.  It is about unity in diversity.  Now during Lent,...

The Last Supper – a Passover Seder

The Last Supper – a Passover Seder Learn about the Jewish Passover Seder and the Institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper Sunday, March 30, 2014 4PM St. Josaphat Parish Hall 9637 – 108 Avenue For tickets, call: 780-422-3181 Cost: $20 per adult $10 for children...