Tenth Sunday after Pentecost. Octoechos Tone 1. Holy Apostles and Deacons Prochor, Nicanor, Timon and Parmenas (1st-2nd c.). 10 SAP 1 Corinthians 4:9-16. Matthew 17:14-23. Great Vespers and Divine Liturgy GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading: “Blessed is the man…” is...
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the man…” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 4 Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice! Because of your spiritual inheritance you were named Panteleimon.* By lovingly caring for the souls of all men and...
GREAT VESPERS At Psalm 140 In Tone 4 If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered. You faithfully observed the Law* and worked unceasingly for God the Creator.* He granted you motherhood, Anna:* your child brought...
GREAT VESPERS Kathisma Reading “Blessed is the Man…” is sung. At Psalm 140 In Tone 2 Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice! With what crowns of praises shall we honour the praised martyrs,* the kind intercessors of the faithful people,*...
Commemoration of the First Six Ecumenical Councils. Octoechos Tone 8. Our Venerable Father Simeon, the Fool for Christ (c. 580), and His Ascetical Companion John (527-65). Prophet Ezekiel. Hebrews 13:7-16. John 17:1-13. English Source: Royal Doors www.royaldoors.net...