HEART RIVER – St . Michael Parish

HEART RIVER – St . Michael Parish – Парафія св. Михаїла

The Church (48’ x 20’) was built in 1934 approximately 23 km. north of High Prairie. With the positive initiative of Fr. Paul Olinsky, one acre of land was incorporated in 1933 and later, a church was built. This land was donated by Frank Stocky. At that time there were 28 families in the parish, and the founders were: S. Legenchuk, P. Shakhtay, S. Voronyi and M. Voziuk. Bishop Vasyl Ladyka consecrated the church on June 19, 1941. In 1948 thanks to Fathers Ambrose Wynnyk and Benedict Hrynyshyn the church was renovated from the inside and outside. Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate were providing the children of the parish with religious education and Ukrainian classes.

Basilian Fathers who served the community: Fr. Paul Olinsky, Fr. Matthew Sianchuk, Fr. Theodozy Dobko, Fr. Ireneus Procenty, Fr. Ambrose Wynnyk (1949- ).

From 1952 Eparchial clergy looked after the parish: Fr. Euthymius Melnychuk (1957), Fr. Demetrius Baziuk, Fr. Philip Shinduke (1972-1976), Fr. Richard Zuback (1984-195), Fr. Benny Ambrose (1986-1992), Fr. William Hupalo (1993-1995), Fr. Ivan Nykyforuk (1996-2003), Fr. Gary Sedgwick (2003-2008), Fr. Taras Kraychuk (2008-2010) and Fr. Roman Planchak (2010-).