Kathisma Reading
“Blessed is the man” is sung.

At Psalm 140

In Tone 4

  1. Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

O Archangel Michael, you manifested yourself
to be the greatest defender of the thrice-holy Source of Light.
Together with the Powers on high, you joyfully call out:
Holy are You, O Father.
Holy are You, O Co-eternal Word.
Holy are You, O Holy Spirit.
You are the one glory, the one kingdom, and one nature;
You are the one Divinity and Power.

  1. Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

O Archangel Michael, you manifested yourself
to be the greatest defender of the thrice-holy Source of Light.
Together with the Powers on high, you joyfully call out:
Holy are You, O Father.
Holy are You, O Co-eternal Word.
Holy are You, O Holy Spirit.
You are the one glory, the one kingdom, and one nature;
You are the one Divinity and Power.

  1. If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

O Archangel Michael, you are like a flaming fire,
and your godliness is awesome.
By your bodiless nature you cross the ends of the earth,
fulfilling the commands of the Creator of all.
You also make your Church a fountain of healings.
You are venerated because of your holy calling.

  1. I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

O Archangel Michael, you are like a flaming fire,
and your godliness is awesome.
By your bodiless nature you cross the ends of the earth,
fulfilling the commands of the Creator of all.
You also make your Church a fountain of healings.
You are venerated because of your holy calling.

  1. From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

You made the winds Your messenger
and flaming fire Your servant, just as it is written.
Among the ranks of Your archangels, O Lord,
You have shown Michael the Archangel to be the leader.
He is obedient to Your commands, O Word.
With fear he sings the thrice-holy hymn to Your glory.

  1. For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

By divine grace, O Gabriel,
the eternal intelligence created you to be a second light.
You were to illumine the whole world
that you might reveal a divine and truly great mystery
which had been hidden from eternity:
that God Who is bodiless was made flesh in a virgin womb
and became man to save mankind.

  1. Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

O Gabriel, you stand before the throne of the thrice-holy Source of Light.
Glistening with celestial splendour.
We on earth joyfully dance and sing your praises.
O leader of the heavenly hosts,
O intercessor for our souls,
deliver us from the darkness of our passion
by illuminating us with your light.

  1. Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

O Gabriel, leader of the heavenly hosts
and intercessor for our souls,
crush the boldness of those who attack your flock.
Put an end to schisms within the Church.
Calm the storm of numberless temptations.
Deliver from trial and tribulation
those who lovingly venerate you
and hasten to protect us with the shadow of your wings.

In Tone 6, Glory…

Rejoice with us, all you leaders of the angels;
for the great Archangel, your captain and our guardian,
appears today in his holy church.
He wondrously watches over us and truly sanctifies this place.
Therefore, singing his praises daily,
let us cry out to him:
Keep us safe by the protection of your wings,
O great Archangel Michael.


Who would not call you blessed, O Virgin most holy?
Who would not sing a hymn of praise
to the glory of your giving birth without pain or travail?
The Only-begotten Son Himself,
begotten of the Father before all ages,
was made flesh out of you in a manner
that cannot be explained, O Woman most pure!
And for our sake, He Who is God by nature
assumed the nature of a man.
He is not divided into two persons;
He is understood to have two natures
without commixion or confusion.
O noble and blessed Woman,
intercede with Him that He may mercy on our souls.

(1) Joshua 5:13-15; (2) Judges 6:7, 11-24; (3) Isaiah 14:6-20


In Tone 1

The leaders of the heavenly hosts
stand unceasingly before the throne of the Master.
They pray to the Lord to grant peace to the world
and great mercy to our souls.

As the leader of the Powers on high,
Michael has summoned us today for the feast.
He is always by our side
and preserves us today from every attack of the devil.
Come, therefore, O lovers of the feasts and lovers of Christ,
let us carry the flowers of virtue;
and with a pure mind and a clear conscience,
let us venerate the feast of the Archangel.
For he stands unceasingly before God, singing the thrice-holy hymn,
interceding for our souls to be saved.

In Tone 2

O bodiless Powers, you intercede for us.
O Leaders of the heavenly hosts,
by the brightness of your thrice-radiant glory
you give light to the whole world;
with unceasing voices you sing the thrice-holy hymn.
Pray, therefore, that our souls may be saved.

O intelligent, celestial, and bodiless Powers,
you surround the heavenly throne
and with flaming lips sing the thrice-holy hymn to God the ruler:
O holy God, O eternal Father;
O holy, mighty, and co-eternal Son;
O holy and immortal Spirit having the same nature,
and glorified together with the Father and the Son.

With immaterial lips and spiritual mouths,
the angelic ranks offer hymns to Your unapproachable divinity, O Lord.
Both the pure spirits and ministers of Your glory,
together with the incorporeal Michael and Gabriel, praise You, O Lord.
The leaders of the heavenly powers,
and the chiefs of the angels welcome us today.
They invite us to sing to Your unapproachable glory.
O Lover of Mankind,
they pray unceasingly for our souls.

In Tone 4, Glory…

With flaming lips, the Cherubim extol You, O Christ God;
and with immaterial mouths, the choirs of Archangels
loudly extols Your glory.
Michael, the captain of the heavenly powers,
unceasingly offers a song of victory to Your glory.
He has prepared us today for this feast,
so that even with lips of clay,
we may worthily sing aloud the thrice-holy hymn
as it is in the psalms.
All creation is filled with the praise of You, O Christ.
For this reason You give great mercy to the world.


Today the Theotokos, the Temple that is to contain God,
is being escorted into the Temple of the Lord,
and Zechariah receives her.
Today the Holy of Holies greatly rejoices,
and the choir of angels mystically celebrates this feast.
Let us also celebrate with them today
and cry out with Gabriel:
Rejoice, O Full of Grace, the Lord is with you,
and He grants us great mercy.


In Tone 1

While solemnly celebrating on earth,
let us sing as the angels to God
Who is seated on the throne of glory:
Holy are You, O heavenly Father;
holy are You, O co-eternal Word;
holy are You, O all-holy Spirit.

You made the winds your messengers and flaming fire your ministers.

O eyewitness of ineffable things,
because of your great courage
you are the leader of the heavenly beings.
You gloriously stand before the awesome throne, O Michael.
By your prayers, save those who are suffering
because of trials and tribulations.

Praise the Lord, all His angels; praise Him, all His hosts.

You are the chief of the bodiless angels
and a minister of the Divine Splendour.
You are an eyewitness and a mystic, O Michael.
Save us who devoutly honour you each year
and who faithfully extol the Trinity.

In Tone 8, Glory… Now…

O Archangel, since you are a soldier
and leader of the heavenly hosts
and the captain of the angels, O glorious one,
deliver from every care and worry,
from illnesses and bitter sins,
those who faithfully extol and beseech you.
You see the Lord Who is Spirit;
you are illumined by the unapproachable light of the Master’s glory.
For He, out of love for all people,
became incarnate of the Virgin for our sake.
By this, He wished to save mankind.


In Tone 4
Princes of the heavenly hosts,* we, though unworthy, beg you* to encircle us through your prayers* under the shelter of the wings of your spiritual glory.* Guard us as we come to you and sincerely cry: * “Deliver us from dangers,** O princes of the powers on high!” (twice)

In Tone 1
Rejoice, Virgin Mary, Mother of God, full of grace,* the Lord is with you.* Blessed are you among women* and blessed is the fruit of your womb,** for you have given birth to Christ, the Saviour and Deliverer of our souls.



Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion, Tone 4: Princes of the heavenly hosts,* we, though unworthy, beg you* to encircle us through your prayers* under the shelter of the wings your spiritual glory.* Guard us as we come to you and sincerely cry:* Deliver us from dangers,* O princes of the powers on high!

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 2: Princes of God’s hosts, ministers of divine glory,* leaders of angels and guides of men,* pray for our welfare and for great mercy,* O princes of the incorporeal powers.

Prokeimenon, Tone 4
He makes spirits His angels and flaming fire His ministers.

verse: Bless the Lord, O my soul; O Lord my God, you are very great (Psalm 103:4,1)

Hebrews 2:2-10

Alleluia, Tone 5
verse: Praise the Lord, all you His angels; praise Him, all you powers.

verse: For He spoke, and they came into being; He commanded and they were created (Psalm 148:2,5)

Luke 10:16-21

Communion Hymn
He makes spirits His angels,* and flaming fire His ministers.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 103:4)

Собор Архистратига Михаїла і всіх безплотних сил –
08 листопада.

Тропарі і Кондаки
Тропар (глас 4): Небесних воїнств Архистратиги!* Молимо вас завжди ми, недостойні,* щоб вашими молитвами ви захистили нас покровом крил духовної вашої слави,* охороняючи нас, що прибігаємо і щиро кличемо:* Від бід визвольте нас, як чиноначальники небесних сил!
+Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові. І нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь.

Кондак (глас 2): Архистратиги Божі, служителі божественної слави,* ангелів начальники і людей наставники!* Корисного нам просіте і великої милости,* як безтілесних архистратиги.

Прокімен (глас 4):
Ти твориш духів ангелами Своїми,* і слугами Своїми полум’я вогненне. (Пс 103,4).
Стих: Благослови, душе моя, Господа! Господи Боже мій, Ти вельми великий (Пс 103,1).

Апостол: (Євр 2,2-10):
Браття і Сестри, коли слово, оголошене ангелами, було таке зобов’язуюче, що всякий його переступ і непослух приймав справедливу кару, то як утечемо ми, коли занедбаємо таке велике спасіння? Воно, спочатку проповідане Господом, було підтверджене нам тими, що його чули, коли Бог засвідчив знаками, дивами й різними потугами, ще й дарами Святого Духа, що їх він розділює за своєю волею. Не ангелам бо підкорив він світ майбутній, про який ми говоримо. Бо десь хтось засвідчив, кажучи: «Що таке людина, що ти про неї пам’ятаєш? Або син чоловічий, що ти навідуєшся до нього? Ти вчинив його малощо меншим від ангелів. Увінчав його славою і честю. Усе підкорив йому під ноги.» А коли все підкорив під нього, то не лишив нічого, що було б йому непідкореним. Та нині ще не бачимо, щоб йому все було підкорене, а бачимо Ісуса, який за те, що перетерпів смерть, увінчаний славою і честю, який на малу хвилину був нижче ангелів, щоб благодаттю Божою зазнати за всіх смерти. Годилось бо йому, – заради якого все і через якого все, що ввів багато синів у славу, – вдосконалити стражданням того, хто дав почин їхньому спасінню.

Алилуя (глас 5):
Стих: Хваліте Господа, всі ангели Його, хваліте Його, всі сили Його (Пс 148,2).
Стих: Бо Він сказав і сталося, Bін повелів і створилося (Пс 148,5).

Євангеліє: (Лк 10,16-21):
Сказав Господь Своїм учням: “Хто слухає вас, мене слухає; а хто гордує вами, мною гордує; а хто гордує мною, гордує тим, хто послав мене.” Повернулись сімдесят два з радістю, кажучи: “Господи, навіть і біси коряться нам з-за твого імени.” Він же сказав їм: “Я бачив сатану, що, наче блискавка, падав з неба. Ось я даю вам владу наступати на зміїв, скорпіонів і на всю ворожу силу – й ніщо вам не пошкодить. Одначе, не радійте тому, що духи вам коряться, але радійте тому, що ваші імена записані на небі.” Того часу Ісус був зрадів Святим Духом і промовив: “Я прославляю тебе, Отче, Господи неба й землі, що ти втаїв це від мудрих та розумних і відкрив немовляткам. Так, Отче, бо так тобі подобалося.”

Ти твориш духів ангелами Своїми* і слугами Своїми полум’я вогненне (Пс 103,4). Алилуя (х3).