The Holy and Glorious Great-Martyr Demetrius, from Whose Tomb Myrrh Streams Forth (285-310); and the Commemoration of the Great and Terrible Earthquake at Constantinople of 741 AD All-Night Vigil Feast. A day when the faithful are highly encouraged to participate in the Divine Liturgy.

English Source: Royal Doors


At Psalm 140

In Tone 2

  1. Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

O glorious martyr Demetrius,
like a bright star you glisten forever for your fatherland
because you always protect it from destruction at the hands of enemies,
and you deliver it from every strife and menace.
Therefore, O blessed one, your people annually observe your memory
and celebrate with joy,
and with faith and love they extol the Lord who glorified you.

  1. Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

O glorious martyr Demetrius,
like a bright star you glisten forever for your fatherland
because you always protect it from destruction at the hands of enemies,
and you deliver it from every strife and menace.
Therefore, O blessed one, your people annually observe your memory
and celebrate with joy,
and with faith and love they extol the Lord who glorified you.

  1. If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

O Demetrius, martyr and sufferer of the Passion of Christ,
your miracles shine upon the world like the sun.
Therefore, all of us are filled with joy as we remember them,
and in faith we fittingly celebrate.
Since you have favour with the Lord,
pray that He may save your servants from corruption.

  1. I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

Your side was pierced by a spear for the sake of the Saviour
whose side had been pierced on the cross.
By your wounds you lovingly resembled Him, O Martyr.
You showed to all that you were an unconquerable witness.
Thereby, your torturer was also wounded and made helpless
when he was the instrument of the test of your faith,
O Demetrius, great sufferer for Christ.

In Tone 8

  1. From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

O, what a great marvel!
There is joy in heaven and on earth,
for this day glistens in the remembrance of the martyr Demetrius.
He is crowned by the praises of angels and by the hymns of all.
O, how he suffered and how well he struggled!
Through him the Evil One fell and was conquered for Christ.

  1. For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

O, what a great marvel!
There is joy in heaven and on earth,
for this day glistens in the remembrance of the martyr Demetrius.
He is crowned by the praises of angels and by the hymns of all.
O, how he suffered and how well he struggled!
Through him the Evil One fell and was conquered for Christ.

  1. Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

O, what a great marvel!
It is the most radiant of wonders.
It is more brilliant than the sun.
Demetrius shines upon the ends of the earth at all times.
He is filled with the radiance of the Light that never grows dim
and beautified by the Light which never sets.
By his rays, the clouds of foreign foes have been dispersed,
illnesses have been cast out, and demons conquered.

  1. Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

O, what a great marvel!
Having been slain for the sake of Christ, O thrice-blessed Demetrius,
you have always manifested yourself to be a two-edged sword,
humbling the exaltations of the enemies
and bringing to naught the intrigues of the demons.
Let us cry out to him:
O Demetrius, protect us at all times,
for in faith and love we venerate you.

In Tone 6, Glory…

Today the universal feast of the martyr summons us.
Come, therefore, O lovers of feasts,
let us celebrate his memory in splendour and say:
Rejoice, for you overcame the snares of the enemy
by the might given to you by the one God.
Rejoice, for you suffered wounds by the thrusts of a sword,
and thus spiritually depicted for us the blessed passion of Christ.
O Demetrius, O inspiration of martyrs,
implore Him that we be delivered from visible and invisible enemies,
and that our souls may be saved.


Who would not call you blessed, O Virgin most holy?
Who would not sing a hymn of praise
to the glory of your giving birth without pain or travail?
The Only-begotten Son Himself,
begotten of the Father before all ages,
was made flesh out of you in a manner
that cannot be explained, O Woman most pure!
And for our sake, He Who is God by nature
assumed the nature of a man.
He is not divided into two persons;
He is understood to have two natures
without commixion or confusion.
O noble and blessed Woman,
intercede with Him that He may mercy on our souls.

(1) Isaiah 63:15-19; 64:1-9; (2) Jeremiah 2:2-12; (3) Wisdom 4:7-15

At the Lytia

In Tone 1

Rejoice in the Lord, O city of Thessalonica!
Adorn yourself with faith and leap and dance with joy!
Like a treasure, hold onto Demetrius,
the glorious Martyr and witness to the truth.
Be full of delight at the sight of his miraculous healings;
look as he repels the foreign invaders;
and thankfully cry out to the Savoir:
O Lord, glory to You!

O city of Thessalonica, together with everyone,
let us brighten this day with beautiful hymns,
and let us glorify the martyr’s deeds
because the great martyr Demetrius is deserving of praise.
He courageously repelled the onsets of demons.
He fervently came into the arena and gloriously won a victory.
He is praying to the Savoir that our souls may be saved.

In Tone 2

O wise martyr Demetrius,
Christ our God has placed your spotless spirit in the abode on high,
for you were a defender of the Trinity.
And unbreakable as a diamond,
you courageously suffered martyrdom in the arena.
Your holy side was pierced, O all-precious one,
just like Him who was pierced on the cross
for the salvation of the whole world.
You received the power of healing,
and you freely grant healings to all.
We, therefore, fittingly celebrate your dormition today,
and we glorify you as you glorified the Lord.

In Tone 5, Glory…

Let us hasten with faith and love;
let us shout with festive joy;
let all of us clap our hands on this feast of our leader.
May the heavenly hosts be happy
because he was pierced in behalf of Christ the Lord
who was pierced by a spear,
and because he destroyed the boldness of the arrogant Leo.
May the heavens and the sea be astounded
by the glorious witness given by the great luminary.
May they praise him who restrains the young and leads those in danger.
He enriches the lowly and brings good fortune;
he wins in battle and sails with those at sea.
He is a staff in old age and our own steadfast defender.
So let us pray to him and say:
O glorious Demetrius, be our leader, rescue us from every anguish,
and save your servants by your prayers.


Let us sound the trumpets of praise,
for the Queen of all, the Virgin Mother,
looks down from on high to crown with blessings those who honour her.
Let kings and leaders come together
to praise the Queen who gave birth to the King.
Because of his love for all,
He released those who had been condemned to death.
O shepherds and teachers,
come together and praise the most pure Mother of the Good Shepherd.
She is the lampstand that gleams like gold,
the light-bearing cloud more spacious than the heavens,
the living tabernacle and golden urn containing the manna,
the sealed door of the Word and refuge of all Christians.
Let us praise her with God-inspired songs, saying:
O palace of the Word,
make us lowly ones worthy of the kingdom of heaven,
for nothing is impossible through your intercession.


In Tone 2

The ground is quaking in fear of your anger.
The hills and mountains are trembling, O Lord.
But look upon us with compassion.
Do not shower your wrath upon us,
but show mercy to the work of your hands.
Free us from the terrifying menace of the earthquake,
since You are gracious and the Lover of Mankind.

In Tone 6

Having created the earth, You look upon it and it quakes.

You are awesome, O Lord, and who can bear your just anger?
Or who will implore You?
Who will restrain You, O Gracious One,
in behalf of the sinful people who are without hope?
The heavenly ranks, the Angels, and Principalities,
Powers, Thrones, Dominions, and Seraphim
are crying out to You in our behalf:
Holy, holy, holy, are You, O Lord!
Because of your merciful compassion,
do not reject the work of your hands, O Gracious One,
but save the city which is in danger.

You shook the ground, and You made it quake.

The Ninevites heard the threat about their destruction
by an earthquake because of their sins.
The rising up of Jonah from the whale was a sign of intercession.
He pleaded for them to repent.
Just as You accepted in generosity
the lamentation of your people with their children and animals,
for the sake of your rising on the third day,
also be merciful and spare us who have been chastised.

In Tone 8, Glory…

Your sublime and spotless soul,
O ever-commemorated Demetrius,
has the heavenly Jerusalem as an abode.
Its walls were painted by the most pure hands of the invisible God.
This beautiful church on earth
also contains your very precious body which had suffered so much,
It is a treasure of miracles that cannot be stolen away,
and it is a medicine for illnesses
whenever we hasten to draw upon its healing.
O all-praiseworthy one,
protect from threatening destruction the city which extols you,
for you have found favour before Christ who glorified you.


O Virgin, you have never known wedlock,
yet you conceived God in the flesh
in a manner which words can never describe.
You thus became the Mother of God on high.
O immaculate Lady, receive the supplication of your servants
and grant us the cleansing of our sins.
Accept now our prayers and beseech God to save all of us.


In Tone 3
In you, O martyr Demetrius,* the world has discovered a champion in its travails,* for you have routed the nations* and so, as you smashed the pride of Lyaeus*, encouraging Nestor to struggle,* pray to Christ our God to grant great mercy to our souls. (3)



Tropaion and Kontakion
Troparion, Tone 3: In you, O martyr Demetrius,* the world has discovered a champion in its travails,* for you have routed the nations* and so, as you smashed the pride of Lyaeus*, encouraging Nestor to struggle,* pray to Christ our God to grant great mercy to our souls.

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 2: With the streams of your blood, O Demetrius,* God, who gave you invincible strength,* has dyed the Church in royal crimson* and preserved your city invulnerable* for you are its fortification.

Prokeimenon, Tone 7
The just man shall be glad in the Lord,* and shall hope in Him.
verse: Hear, O God, my voice, when I make my petition to You. (Psalm 63:11,2)

2 Timothy 2:1-10

Alleluia, Tone 4
verse: The just man shall flourish like the palm tree, and he shall grow like the cedar in Lebanon.
verse: They who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. (Psalm 91:13-14)

John 15:17-16:2

Communion Hymn
The just man shall be in everlasting remembrance;* of evil hearsay he shall have no fear.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 111:6-7)