Uncover the Melodies of Our Faith at Our Cantor’s Workshop

January 26-27, 2024
St. Stephen the Protomartyr, Calgary
Join us for a transformative journey into the heart of liturgical music, as we present our Cantor’s Workshop – an immersive introductory workshop exploring the theology and practice of Ukrainian Catholic liturgical music. Unveil the richness of our musical traditions, delve into acapella singing, and gain a deeper understanding of the cantor’s vocation in leading congregational singing.
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What to Expect
You will leave with:
- A fuller understanding of how and why Ukrainian Catholics sing the Divine Liturgy.
- Greater familiarity with the tradition of acapella singing in the liturgy.
- An appreciation of the cantor’s vocation in leading congregational singing.
Special attention will be given to:
- Troparia and Kontakia
- Prokeimena and Alleluias
- Melodies for the liturgy of St. Basil
The sessions will be fully interactive, allowing for your questions and discussions.
Friday, January 26th
- 5:00 PM – Great Vespers
- 6:00 PM – Welcome/Supper
- 7:00-9:00 PM – Workshop 1: Troparion and Kontakion
Saturday, January 27th (Feast of the Transfer of the Precious Relics of St. John Chrysostom)
- 8:00 AM – Festal Matins
- 9:00 AM – Divine Liturgy
- 10:15 AM – Light Breakfast
- 10:30 AM – Workshop 2: Prokiemenon and Alleluia Melodies
- 12 Noon – Lunch
- 1:00-3:00 PM – Workshop 3: Music for the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
- 3:00-3:30 PM – Q&A, Discussion, and Farewells
After the final workshop, you’re welcome to stay for:
- Confession at 3 PM
- Great Vespers at 4 PM
- Catechesis and Fellowship for Young Adults
- “Souped-up” Swing Dancing with Lesson ($10 donation for Support Ukraine)

Our Workshop Facilitator
Embark on an inspiring musical journey with Deacon Cyril Kennedy, the visionary guide of our Cantor’s Workshop. Ordained in 2018 with a doctoral dissertation in liturgy and sacramental theology from the Catholic University of America, Deacon Kennedy serves as the Director of Liturgy for the Eparchy of Edmonton. He also teaches at Newman Theological College and St Joseph’s College at the University of Alberta, and as singing instructor at Holy Spirit Seminary in Edmonton.. Beyond his professional endeavors, Deacon Kennedy is a devoted family man. Join him for a transformative experience that transcends music, embodying spirituality and motivation.
Registration Information
- $90/Adults
- $50/Children (12-17 years old)
Payment Options:
- Credit Card
- Cheque
- E-transfer
Registration fee includes:
- Friday dinner
- Breakfast and lunch on Saturday
Bonus: The first 10 adult registrations receive a free copy of the latest edition of The Divine Liturgy: An Anthology for Worship (additional copies available for purchase).
Contact Purchase Information
For registration and inquiries, contact St. Stephen’s at office@protomartyr.ca or call 403-249-4818, ext. 0. For out-of-town accommodations and carpooling from Edmonton, contact deacon.kennedy@eeparchy.com.