Camp Oselia, the children’s camp of the Edmonton Eparchy, has concluded another successful year. Over two weeks in July, Camp Oselia welcomed close to one hundred children, ages 8-14, for an experience of outdoor fun, adventure, and playful immersion in the traditions of the Byzantine Church. Highlights included archery, soccer, beach days, “wide games” like capture the flag and sardines, and daily campfires at the end of each day. Besides daily prayer every morning and evening, interactive lessons in the seven Holy Mysteries were led by Fr. Bo Nahachewsky and a team of catechists, who helped campers to understand the sacraments as the experience of God’s power and love overcoming sin and renewing each of our lives. Programming was offered in both English and Ukrainian.

Camp Oselia wants to thank our generous sponsors, including the Canada-Ukraine Foundation, the Knights of Columbus (Alberta and Calgary), the AB Pomitch Charitable Society, and the Ukrainian Millenium Society. We also express our gratitude to our staff, senior and junior counsellors, Newman College interns, and volunteers, without whom Camp Oselia would not have been possible.