Marriage is a sacred institution that holds a special place in the Ukrainian Catholic Church, symbolizing the profound love between Christ and the Church. The Holy Fathers have long seen the unity of a married couple as an image of the Church, and within this union, the presence and action of Christ are manifested. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of Christian marriage as a domestic church, the role of sexuality in this context, the importance of marital fidelity, and the blessed gift of marital fruitfulness.
Christian Marriage: A Domestic Church
The unity and love shared by the first married couple represent the Church’s essence, as taught by the apostle Paul in the Epistle to the Ephesians. The mystical bond between Christ and the Church serves as the archetype of the marital union, showcasing the profound connection between the two. Indeed, Christian marriage is a “type of the Church,” a little Church that walks before God day and night, guided by mutual love, respect, and self-sacrifice.
The Lord blesses marital love and endows it with a spirit of sacrifice and fruitfulness. The unity formed between a man and a woman in marriage is intended to be indissoluble, as they become one in the eyes of God. The love within this union is to mirror Christ’s love for the Church, as demonstrated by the apostle Paul’s exhortation to husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her.
The Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in marriage, granting it the gifts needed for a devout life filled with peace, truth, harmony, and love. In essence, marriage serves the Church by fostering a community of faith, love, and mutual sanctification. Thus, the marital bond becomes a “domestic church” through the action of the Holy Spirit.

Sexuality and Christian Marriage
Sexuality is a divine gift granted to us by God at the moment of creation. It encompasses not only the physical aspects of our being but also our soul and spirit. As stated in the Book of Genesis, our sex is a gift from God, not a matter of human choice. Therefore, it is our duty to accept and embrace this gift as part of God’s plan for our lives.
Christian understanding of love as a communion of persons sheds light on human sexuality. This love is a self-giving act between two individuals, facilitated by the Holy Spirit. In the context of marital life, this self-giving love becomes the foundation of an indissoluble union, fidelity, and fruitfulness. In the consecrated state of virginity, sexuality is transfigured by the Holy Spirit to serve God and others in love for the sake of the heavenly kingdom.
Any misuse of sexuality that objectifies others or seeks selfish pleasure contradicts God’s gift of love and devalues the essence of sexuality. Acts such as sexual activity outside of marriage are considered grave sins, as they undermine human dignity and the divine purpose of sexual intimacy.
Parents have a crucial role in Christian sexual education, guiding their children to understand and appreciate God’s gift of sexuality. The essence of this education lies in teaching children how to love both God and their neighbor, valuing the personal character of this divine gift.
Marital Fidelity: A Reflection of God’s Faithfulness
Fidelity is an essential characteristic of Christian marriage, exemplifying Christ’s faithful love for His Church. It is more than mere human effort; it is a courageous and responsible choice based on God’s promise and Christ’s fidelity to His Church. Marital fidelity is fortified through participation in the Holy Mysteries, joint prayer, mutual understanding, support, trust, and forgiveness.
On the contrary, deception, insincerity, jealousy, and thoughtless behavior can weaken or even destroy marital fidelity, leading to betrayal and the loss of the graces bestowed upon the couple through the Sacrament of Marriage. Christ himself emphasized the indissolubility of marriage, underlining the gravity of divorce and remarriage.
Marital Fruitfulness in Love
The primary goal of marital life is the communion of love between a man and a woman, deepening their understanding of God’s love. This love, when rooted in God, becomes fruitful and brings forth new life. Marriage, in its essence, is an icon of the Church, giving birth to souls for eternal life.
Marital love finds its expression in the sexual life of the couple, wherein they are joined in love and unity. This union is meant to be open to procreation, for the sexual act has both a unitive and procreative aspect. The loss of either of these aspects distorts the purity and virtue of marital life.
Parenthood in marriage involves co-creation with God in bearing and raising children, and it demands responsibility and careful planning. Responsible parenthood seeks to ensure that children receive appropriate physical and spiritual development, though it should never entirely exclude the possibility of new life.
Christian marriage is a divine institution that reflects the profound love between Christ and His Church. It is a sacred covenant marked by unity, love, self-sacrifice, fidelity, and fruitfulness. Through the grace of the Holy Spirit, Christian couples are called to create a domestic church, where they grow in love and holiness, raising their children to embrace the gifts of God’s love and sexuality responsibly. As a community, we should uphold the sanctity of marriage, fostering an environment that nurtures and strengthens the love and fidelity of Christian couples, for it is through these unions that God’s love is revealed to the world.