Wednesday of the Sixth Week of the Great Fast – Presanctified


At Psalm 140

In Tone 5

Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.

I am rich in all sorts of passions,* and I am clothed in a garment of hypocrisy,* as I revel in the intemperance of sin.* My lack of mercy is beyond measure,* and I disregard my spirit lying before the gates of repentance.* Starved of every good thing, I suffer from illness.* But You, O Lord, make me like Lazarus who was poor in sin,* so that I will not have to beg for a drop of water* for my tongue suffering from thirst in the eternal fire.* Make me dwell in the bosom of the patriarch Abraham, O Lover of humankind.

The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.

I am rich in all sorts of passions,* and I am clothed in a garment of hypocrisy,* as I revel in the intemperance of sin.* My lack of mercy is beyond measure,* and I disregard my spirit lying before the gates of repentance.* Starved of every good thing, I suffer from illness.* But You, O Lord, make me like Lazarus who was poor in sin,* so that I will not have to beg for a drop of water* for my tongue suffering from thirst in the eternal fire.* Make me dwell in the bosom of the patriarch Abraham, O Lover of humankind.

Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

With your souls filled with unquenchable love, O holy martyrs,* you endured the most terrible sufferings without ever denying Christ;* and you laid low the impudence of the torturers.* You kept the faith unwavering and unharmed* and have gone to dwell in heaven.* Therefore, having the boldness to approach the Lord,* beg Him to grant us His great mercy.

Let Your ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

As You walked in the flesh, O Jesus,* in the land beyond the Jordan,* You said to those who were with You:* Our friend Lazarus has died and has been placed in the tomb.* But I rejoice for you, my friends,* for you will learn that I know all things,* and that with God, I am one,* even though by nature I appear in human form.* Therefore, let us go and give life to Lazarus* so that Death may recognize this victory,* and the perfect consummation I shall bring about* by granting great mercy to the world.

If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

O faithful, let us imitate Martha and Mary,* and offer virtuous deeds as ambassadors before the Lord,* that when He comes, He may uplift our minds full of misery which now lie dead in the tomb.* Without life, they have no sense of what they are neglecting,* and they are unaware of the awesomeness of God.* Behold, O Lord, now give life to all and grant us Your great mercy,* as once You had pity on Your friend Lazarus,* and by Your awesome power, You raised him from the dead.

In Tone 6

I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

Now Lazarus has been in the tomb for two days,* and he sees all generations of the dead.* He beholds such strange and awesome things* and a countless number held within the power of death.* His relatives weep bitterly before his tomb;* but Christ is on His way to give life to His friend,* that He may stir up the same joy in the hearts of all.* Blessed are You, O Saviour; have mercy on us.

In Tone 8

From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

Venerable Father John,* you ever bore the high praises of God in your mouth.* You pondered, most wise one,* upon active, divinely inspired words, * and were enriched by the grace that flows forth from them.* Blessed one, thus you overthrew the intents of the wicked.

For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

Venerable Father John,* you ever bore the high praises of God in your mouth.* You pondered, most wise one,* upon active, divinely inspired words, * and were enriched by the grace that flows forth from them.* Blessed one, thus you overthrew the intents of the wicked.

Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

All-glorious Father John,* you cleansed your soul with fountains of tears,* moving God to mercy as you stood in all-night vigils.* You took wings and flew to His love and beauty, blessed one,* where you now rightly delight,* ever rejoicing with your companions in struggle,* divinely wise and venerable one!

Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

Venerable Father John,* by faith you gave your mind wings to fly to God!* You abhorred the instability and confusion of the world;* taking up the Cross, you followed after Him Who beholds all things.* Through labours of fasting you bound your intractable body to your mind* by the power of the divine Spirit!

In Tone 1, Glory… Now…

We are caught in the stormy sea of temptations and sins,* striving in the tempest to reach your tranquil haven.* O Mother of God, we beg you, hear our cry;* stretch out your steady hand to your servants,* and rescue us from the raging of the enemy.*

Prokeimenon I, Tone 4

I walk in the presence of the Lord* in the land of the living.

verse: I love the Lord, for He has heard the cry of my appeal.

Reading I: Genesis 43:26-31 and 45:1-16


Prokeimenon II, Tone 4

I will pay my vows to the Lord,* in the presence of all His people.

verse: I trusted, even when I said: I am sorely afflicted.

Reading II: Proverbs 21:23-22:4