Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts for Friday of the First Week of the Great Fast; The First and Second Finding of the Precious Head of the Holy, Glorious Prophet and Forerunner John the Baptist

Source: Royal Doors

At Psalm 140

In Tone 5

  1. Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.

Come, O faithful, let us fulfil the works of God in the light;* and let us walk with dignity as in the light of day;* let us tear up every unjust contract,* and let us cast aside every object of scandal for our neighbour.* Let us turn away from the pleasures of the flesh,* so that we may grow in our spiritual gifts.* Let us give food to the poor;* let us draw near to Christ, and in repentance, let us say:* O our God, have mercy on us.

  1. The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.

Come, O faithful, let us fulfil the works of God in the light;* and let us walk with dignity as in the light of day;* let us tear up every unjust contract,* and let us cast aside every object of scandal for our neighbour.* Let us turn away from the pleasures of the flesh,* so that we may grow in our spiritual gifts.* Let us give food to the poor;* let us draw near to Christ, and in repentance, let us say:* O our God, have mercy on us.

  1. Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

Come, O faithful, let us fulfil the works of God in the light;* and let us walk with dignity as in the light of day;* let us tear up every unjust contract,* and let us cast aside every object of scandal for our neighbour.* Let us turn away from the pleasures of the flesh,* so that we may grow in our spiritual gifts.* Let us give food to the poor;* let us draw near to Christ, and in repentance, let us say:* O our God, have mercy on us.

In Tone 5,

  1. Let Your ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

Rejoice, holy and light-bearing head, venerated by the angels!* Of old, you were cut off by the sword,* for you had cut through the shame of impurity with incisive reproofs!* Like a fountain refreshing the faithful with wonders,* you declared the saving coming of the Saviour,* and perceived the coming of the Spirit, which took up his abode in you,* as you stood between the grace of the Old and New Covenants.* Entreat Christ God to grant our souls great mercy!

  1. If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

The head of the Forerunner is made manifest.* Once it was concealed in an earthen vessel;* now it is openly given up from the depths of the earth,* pouring forth streams of healing.* For he washed in the waters the Head of the One* who even now covers the chambers of the firmament with waters* and rains down divine forgiveness for all peoples!* Then let us bless this truly praiseworthy head* and joyfully celebrate its finding,* entreating Christ to grant our souls great mercy!

  1. I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

The head which proclaimed the Lamb of God who appeared in the flesh* declared to all the ways of saving repentance with divine precepts,* before it had denounced the transgression of Herod* and therefore was severed from its body.* It was concealed for a time and has risen to us as a shining sun,* crying out: repent and with compunction of soul submit to the Lord* who grants the world great mercy!

In Tone 2

  1. From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

Come, all you friends of the martyrs,* let us celebrate this feast in the joy of the Spirit;* for, on this day, the holy martyr Theodore prepares a spiritual banquet for us,* the lovers of the feast;* he brings joy to our hearts,* and we cry out to him:* Rejoice, invincible warrior, who has vanquished powerful tyrants;* and for the love of Christ our God,* you have given over your body of flesh to torments.* Rejoice, for in the midst of dangers,* you showed yourself to be a valiant soldier of the heavenly army.* Therefore, we pray to you, O glory of martyrs,* intercede for the salvation of our souls.

  1. For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

O holy martyr Theodore,* you generously grant the God-given grace of your miracles* to all the faithful who hasten to you.* We rejoice in this, and we sing:* You are the liberator of captives and healer of the sick,* the wealth of the poor and salvation of those who sail the seas,* the defender of those who cherish your holy memory;* now, for all of us who praise you,* beseech Christ for His great mercy.

  1. Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

O holy martyr Theodore,* you are truly the “gift of God,”* for, being alive even after your death,* you are attentive to the requests of those who come to you.* A son was once seized from his mother* and made a prisoner in the pagan army;* the widow bathed your sanctuary with her tears;* and you were moved with compassion.* You mounted a white horse and mysteriously returned her child;* and even now, you do not cease to work miracles.* Beseech Christ our God to save our souls.

  1. Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

O Theodore, thrice-blessed,* with your name, I praise the gift of God;* you are a shining torch of the divine brightness.* By your deeds you have illuminated the universe.* You have shown yourself to be stronger than fire,* and you crushed the head of the treacherous dragon.* Therefore, Christ has placed on your head the crown of victory.* And now that you enjoy the divine favour,* O holy and great martyr,* beseech God for the salvation of our souls.

In Tone 6, Glory… 

The enemy used the apostate emperor as his servant* against the Christian people who were purified by the Fast;* he tried to defile them with food polluted by the blood of sacrifices.* But, you more wisely foiled his plan,* by appearing in a dream to the bishop of that time* and warning him of the danger.* We also offer you our sacrifices of thanksgiving,* and we honour you with the title of protector* as we celebrate the annual memory of this event.* We beseech you to preserve us from the evil designs of the enemy* by interceding with God for us,* O holy martyr Theodore.

In Tone 4, Now…

O Mother of God,* because of you David the prophet became an ancestor of God;* he foretold and sang a joyous hymn of praise* and cried out to Him who worked wonders in you:* “The Queen stood at Your right hand.”* God revealed you as a life-giving mother, when He chose to be incarnate of you without a father.* He renewed in man His image which the passions had corrupted.* He found the lost sheep in the mountains,* carried it on His shoulders, offered it to the Father,* generously numbered it among the powers of heaven,* and saved the whole world, since He is Christ of great and rich mercy.

Prokeimenon I, Tone 5
May the Lord answer in time of trial;* may the name of Jacob’s God protect you!
verse: May He send you help from His shrine and give you support from Sion!

Reading I, Genesis 2:20-3:20

Prokeimenon II, Tone 6
O Lord, arise in Your strength;* we shall sing and praise Your power.
verse: O Lord, Your strength gives joy to the king; how Your saving help makes him glad!

Reading II, Proverbs 3:19-34

Reading III, Isaiah 40:1-11

Reading IV, Malachi 3

Reading V, Wisdom 4:7-15