Access the Bozhi Dity (God’s Little Children) lesson on the Edmonton Eparchy Website. You will learn about the Feast of the Protection of the Holy Mother of God and have fun making a lovely 3D icon:

We flee to the shelter of your mercy, O Virgin Mother of God. Do not reject our prayers of anguish, but free us from tribulations, O only pure and blessed one. Most glorious, ever-virgin Mother of God, receive our prayers and bring them to your Son and our God that because of you, He might save our souls.
Під Твою милість прибігаємо, Богородице Діво. Молитвами нашими в скорботах не погорди, але від бід нас визволи, єдина чиста і благословенна. Преславна Вседіво, Богородице! Прийми молитви наші й донеси їх Синові Твоєму і Богові нашому, щоб заради Тебе спас душі наші.
The Protection of the Holy Mother of God (Theotokos) for Children
One night in Constantinople many, many years ago lots of people were gathered in a large Cathedral to pray. They were praying to be saved from enemies that wanted to attack them. St. Andrew, known as the Fool for Christ, and his disciple Epiphanius were there praying too. As everyone was praying St. Andrew and Epiphanius saw the Theotokos (Mother of God) enter the church! She moved towards the altar. She stood there and tearfully prayed for a long time. Then she went even closer to the altar and continued to pray with tears flowing from her eyes. Finally, she turned towards the people. She was surrounded by angels of heaven and by saints that had lived a long time before! She was wearing a veil on her head. She took it off her head and held it out and over those who were praying in church. St. Andrew and Epiphanius understood that she was showing them that she was protecting the people from their enemies. The people in the city were saved!
From that time on, Christians have known that Mary the Mother of God and our mother is our protectress and that they could pray to her when they needed her protection.
700 years later in Ukraine, at Pochaiv, the Theotokos appeared again in a church full of people as they were being attacked by an army. Again she held out her veil to protect the people and they were saved!
We must always remember that when we are frightened, we can pray to Our mother Mary for her protection and for her prayers!