Ukrainian Catholic parish, St. Sophia, in Sherwood Park received the Humanitarian Aid Settlement grant. This grant is available through the generous donations made by parishioners, friends, organizations, and businesses to the Eparchy and set aside by Bishop David for initiatives to aid Ukrainian newcomers. The community funds will support the community’s plan to have a bilingual camp for children, where newcomer Ukrainians can connect with Canadians. The mission is to immerse the youth in Ukrainian culture, traditions, crafts, songs, and dance while creating a fun and welcoming space for all of the children.
Their team is already running a similar camp in North Battleford, Saskatchewan where they see the children enjoying themselves while getting to know others. They are excited to start their July 25-29, 2022 camp in Edmonton, with over 30 campers already registered. They have hired two assistants to help with camp coordination and will hire more if they have over 40 children signed up. To sign-up, fill out this form, email them at, or call/text 780-238-3837.
On July 27, the camp will be having a making pyrohy and paska day where the children can learn how to make traditional Ukrainian foods. If you know a thing or two about pyrohy and paskas, contact St. Sophia about volunteering at their camp! We are excited about all the fun the children will have these coming weeks!