1. Go to summer camp
Sign your little ones up for summer camp! Enjoy activities such as canoeing, archery, swimming, campfires, and more while making long-lasting friendships. Learn more about our Camp Oselia and Camp St. Basil’s!
2. Cool down at the spray park
Pack some snacks, bring a blanket, wear your swimwear and cool down at one of the many spray parks in Edmonton! A few favourites are the Callingwood Spray Park, Jackie Parker Park Spray Park and the Castle Downs Spray Park.

3. Go for a bike ride
Grab your bike and helmet and head out for a bike ride in the sunshine. Whether it’s for a loop in your neighborhood or a stride in the river valley, it’s a great way to breathe some fresh air and enjoy the summer heat. Make sure to cool down with a lot of water and have a snack! Before heading for a bike ride, consider the various ways we as parents can introduce daily prayer into the lives of our children. Fr Julian mentions that children love to imitate their parents, so be an example of prayer that your children can imitate. If you are riding down the road and see an accident, pray out loud, “Lord have mercy”. To learn about many other pratical ways we can allow our children to start prayer, read what Fr. Julian wrote about here.

4. Spend the day at an outdoor pool
Starting July 1, take a trip to outdoor pools in Edmonton! Embrace the heat and have some splashes to cool down. A few top locations include the Borden Natural Swimming Pool, Mill Creek Outdoor Pool, and the Queen Elizabeth Outdoor Pool.
5. Go for ice cream
There’s no treat better than ice cream on a hot and sunny day. Treat yourself and your kids to a delectable scoop! Bonus points for whoever gets the messiest! Some favorites are Kind Ice Cream, Made by Marcus, and Scoop n Roll! Ukrainian Catholics believe everything that is good comes from God, and we remind ourselves of that every day. A good way we can do this is to say a short prayer of thanksgiving before a meal to be grateful for the food we eat. To print off our 6 Catholic prayers before meals sheet to help guide you through prayer, click here.