If you don’t have an icon of the feast, you can print one above.
- Learn about the feast through the Bozhy Dity (God’s Little Children) lesson on the Edmonton Eparchy Website. They will learn about this amazing day in the life of the Church and have fun making a “Second Coming of Christ mobile” and more children’s resources here.
- Have a procession around your backyard! Designate one person to carry the icon of the Ascension and have the other members follow carrying their own mobiles that they created. Sing Alleluia as you do! (Click to hear it sung). End by placing the icon in your icon corner and saying a prayer or continue singing alleluia. This is a joyful time!
- Take family time and find out how going on a hike, flying kites and sharing a picnic can be fun and memorable ways to celebrate the Ascension as a family: https://buildfaith.org/celebrating–ascensionday–at–home/
- Talk about the day, as your children are going to bed. Remember the promises of Jesus together:
1. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit.
2. Jesus promised to remain with us even to the end of time.
3. Jesus promised to return in glory at the Second coming.
What a joyful note to end the day on!
Compiled & created by the Religious Education Department of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton: http://eeparchy.com/ Permission granted to reproduce for personal and classroom use. Updated January 2021.