On Feb. 11 at 10:15 am (following 9:00 am Divine Liturgy at Holy Eucharist Parish 6425 120 Ave NW, Edmonton) the Family, Faith, and Friends, Parent Group will be hosting the 3rd of 5 sessions.
Join Fr. Roman Planchak as he leads us through a reflection and some practical ideas for experiencing the Great Fast in a way that touches our hearts as a family. We will begin with a reflection for ourselves as parents and as children of God. This will be followed by a discussion on practical ways to observe the Fast with young children.
Email education@edmontoneparchy.com if you would like to attend in person. Only a limited number of people may join the presentation at Holy Eucharist parish. First come first serve. To join online click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89850863656?pwd=ZUpQS1RlZUlYZGV6Zzl6L3pLc1o3QT09
*Note – Fr. Roman will not be in person but will be joining via Zoom.
Curious about Family Faith and Friends?
fellowship, and support. To learn more about this group and be kept up to date with events
and resources, join the Facebook Group: Family, Faith, Friends, Parent’s Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1019387668113464.
For other questions call or text: 780-914-9093 Christina