If you don’t have one print an icon for the feast at www.eeparchy.com.
1. Look through photo albums
Look through photo albums of your children’s baptisms. If you have their baptismal gown, or candles take them out and show them. Talk about the promises made at their baptism. (To be faithful to Christ forever – these promises were made by their Godparents) and what happened at their Chrismation (they were anointed with holy oil (chrism), which revealed the Holy Spirit coming upon them just as it did at the baptism of Jesus). You can read more about this in the book: Give Thanks to the Lord.
2. Learn about it
Learn about it by accessing the Bozhy Dity (God’s Little Children) lesson on the Edmonton Eparchy Website. Learn about this amazing day in the life of the Church and make stick puppets of the event. Then plan a play so you can tell others the story of Jesus’ Baptism: https://eeparchy.com/children/
3. Decorate Jars
Decorate Jars with stickers, ribbons, or paint. Then take them to church to be filled with holy water. These can be placed in your family icon corner or in your children’s icon corner in their room.
4. Sing
Sing All you who have been Baptized into Christ have put on Christ! Alleluia!
Listen to it here on the album Children of the Light https://eeparchy.com/children/
Sing it in the morning, before meals, driving in the car, and at night before bed.
5. Pray Together
Pray together Print the icon or if you already have your own icon, place it in your icon corner and prayer the Troparion.
When You, O Lord, were baptized in the Jordan, worship of the Trinity was revealed; the voice of the Father bore witness to You, naming You the beloved Son, and the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the Word’s certainty. Glory to You, O Christ God, who appeared and enlightened the world.
Compiled & created by the Religious Education Department of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton: http://eeparchy.com/ Permission granted to reproduce for personal and classroom use. 2020.