LETHBRIDGE – Sts . PETER and PAUL Parish – Парафія свв. Петра і Павла

The Parish was incorporated in 1928. At that time the membership was approximately 200 families with 300 children, and in 2004 there are approximately 50 families. The Parish was comprised of the faithful of the Greek Catholic Church from Slovakia, Ukraine and Hungary. Many of them were working in the coal mines and were very active in the United Miners of America. The Parish was established by the parish priest Fr. Hryhorii Vasylevych. Founding members were: J. Pisko, M. Chopak, I. Myhalyk, M.Myhalyk, M. Sruryn, M. Maras, I. Supina, I. Luchanskyi, M. Homulas, Hr. Gangor, M. George, I. Yanosyk, S. Pisko, I. Petruna. M. Dudas purchased the church bell for $75.00. The church was built in 1922 by contractor Pettiford. In 1953 the Ukrainian members of the Parish started their own Parish a few blocks apart under the name of St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Catholic Parish.

Clergy that served the Parish: Fr. Stefan Danilovych (1920-1921), Fr. Hryhorij Vaselewych (1921-+1922), Fr. Michael Ircha (1922), Fr. Apolinarij Kaluznycki (1922), Fr. Nestor Drohomyrecky (1923), Fr. B Musrychuk (1923), Fr. Michael Olenchuk (1923-1925), Fr. Ivan Kolcun (1925-1928), Fr. Ambrose Redkevych (1928-1930), Fr. E Dychdala (1930-1931), Fr. George Zydan, OSBM (1931), Fr. Joseph Fylyma (1931-1934), Fr. Michael Olenchuk (1934-1936), Fr. Michael Ircha (1936-1937), Fr. Joseph Bala (1937-1939), Fr. Bessarion Andreychuk, OSBM (1939-1940), Fr. Ivan Holowka (1940-1943), Fr. Peter Pasichnyk (1943-1945), Fr. Andrew Choronzy (1945-1949), Fr. Nicholas Silady (1949-1953), Fr. Basil Laba with Fathers Petro Kachur and Dmytro Hnat (1953), Fr. Richard Zuback (1953-1955), Fr. George Maly (1955-1956), Fr. Basil Woloshyn (1956-1959), Fr. Teofile Hurko (1959), Fr. Nicholas Diadio (1959-1970), Fr. Richard Zuback (1971-1975), Fr. Paul Lysak (1975-1985), Fr. Andrew Muzyka (1985-1989), Fr. Richard Zuback (1989-1992), Fr. Paul Lysak (1992-1998), Fr. Mark Bayrock (1999-2008), Fr. Gary Sedgwick (2008- ).