LLOYDMINSTER – Descent of the Holy Spirit Parish

Парафія Зіслання Святого Духа

The first services were held in the Roman Catholic Church by the Basilian Fathers from Mundare starting 1936. The first service held in the parish’s own church was on April 12, 1953 by Fr. Euthymius Melnychuk. In 1952 a parish council was established: O. Kowalchuk (president), S. Kashuba (vice-president), V. Kowal (secretary), H. Horpyniuk (treasurer), O. Ivanets and M. Skubliak (auditors). Cantors were V. Kowal and V. Stoyko. The Ladies established their sisterhood and shortly after in 1955 joined the Eparchial UCWL. A completely new church was blessed by Bishop Demetrius Greschuk in 1986.

The Basilian priests were: Fr. Methodius Hannas, Fr. Epiphany Paschak, Fr. Benedict Hrynyshyn, Fr. Marian Horishny, Fr. Sergio Fedyniak and Fr. Vital Pidskalny (1948-1950). The following Eparchial clergy took over from the Basilian Fathers: Fr. Euthemius Melnychuk (1951-1953), Fr. George Maly (1953-1954), Fr. Roman Starodub (1955-1956), Fr. Theofile Hurko (1957- ), Fr. Michael Gural (1962-1967), Fr. Paul Lysak (1968-1975), Fr. Ivan Makuch (1975-1985), Fr. Joseph Royer (1986-1992), Fr. Mark Bayrock (1993-1995), Fr. Roman Dobriansky (1995-1999), Deacon Richard Nibogie (1999-2000), Deacon Ed Lemko (2000-2003), Fr. Bohdan Nahachewsky (2003- (resident priest from May 2004)).