Parish: Descent of the Holy Spirit

Location: Derwent, Alberta

DERWENT (town) – DESCENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Parish – Парафія Зіслання Святого Духа

Location: on the edge of the town of Derwent. The land was bought in 1941, and the church was built in 1948. The cemetery was acquired in 1942 (1.6 acres of land). The Parish also bought a residence in 1941 with 6 rooms, 1 acre of garden and a double garage for approx. $6,000.00. The parish was very active with their BUCC, UCWLC and UCYC branches. The first Parish priest was Fr. Markian Pasichnyk, OSBM. In 2004 there were approx. 12 families.

The Eparchial clergy who served the faithful: Fr.John Cherkawsky (1948-1985), Fr. Joseph Royer (1985-1992), Fr. Mark Bayrock (1992-1993), Fr. Roman Dobriansky (1994-1998), Deacon Richard Nibogie (administrator) (1998-2000), Deacon Ed Lemko (2000), Fr. Slavko Dumeč (2000-2008) and Fr. Vasyl Nykyforuk (2008- ).