Parish: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Location: Myrnam, Alberta

ASSUMPTION of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish – Парафія Успіння Матері Божої

Location: NW 1-54-9-4M. The Parish was established in 1916 with a Parish council: V. Romaniuk, president; Ivan Romaniuk, secretary and B. Bednarsky, treasurer. The 3 acres of land for the church and the cemetery were purchased in 1918 and the construction of the church (60’ x 40’) was done in the same year by the contractor Yarema Yanishevsky. The church was painted from the inside and outside by P. Lypynsky for $1,500.00. Originally there were 126 families and their activity was very dynamic in the surrounding district, where a young group of people were singing the Divine Liturgy and performing in the theatre. Most of the pioneers came from Peremyshl and Brody districts. In the beginnings Fr. Naucratius Kryzanowsky was very well known among the people and later on he substituted the clergy on special occasions. The Basilian Fathers from Mundare were visiting the community: Fr. Ivan Tymochko, who served the first Liturgy on March 2, 1909 in the home of Fedir Plishka; followed by other Basilian Fathers, like Fr. Matthew Hura, Fr. Basil Ladyka, Fr. Ksenofont Rozdolsky, Fr. Josaphat Tymochko, Fr. Porphyrius Bodnar, Fr. Sozont Dyakowich, Fr. George Zydan, Fr. Damascene Popovych, Fr. Basil Kamenetsky, Fr. Theodozy Dobko, Fr. Joseph Senkiw and Fr. Ambrose Wynnyk. Missions were given in 1928 by Fr. Athanasius Filipiw, 1933 by Fr. Sophron Dyakowich and in 1935 by Fr. Andrew Truch.

The Parish had several outstanding and dedicated members, among them Theodore and Eva Lesyk, who for many years provided their home for the Basilian missionaries and were always giving a hand of support for the Ukrainian cultural efforts. Among others we shall remember Petro and Anna Melnyk, Emilian and Olha Fundytus, Dmytro and Francis Kutryk and Leona Kuly.

In 1953 a residence for the clergy was built. The activity of the UCWLC, the Ladies club, was visible and important for the life of the community. The Ukrainian National Hall in Myrnam, affiliated with the parishioners, was an important factor in the life of the Church.

From 1949 the Eparchial clergy provided spiritual assistance to the Parish: Fr. Euthymius Melnychuk (1949-1952), Fr. George Maly (1953-1955), Fr. Theophile Hurko (1956- ), Fr. Michael Gural (1963-1967), Fr. Paul Lysak (1968-1974), Fr. Ivan Makuch (1975-1997), Fr. Richard Zuback (1998), Basilian Fathers (1998-2000), Fr. Slavko Dumeč (2000-2008), Fr. Vasyl Nykyforuk (2008- ).