Parish: Ascension of Our Lord

Location: Derwent(Farms), Alberta

ASCENSION of Our Lord Parish – Парафія Вознесіння Господнього

Location: Section 32, T. 53, Plan 7 – Ten hilly acres of land 10 km. southwest of the town of Derwent. The church was built in 1910 and incorporated in 1911. At the beginning there were 35 members. The members themselves built the church. The beginning of the community goes back to November 1907, when the faithful were gathering to sing Matins (Utrenia) and Vespers (Vechirnia) with their first cantor Anton Zazuliak. The founding members of the parish were I. Fedechko, M. Jablonski, M. Bykewich, J. Kiziak, L. Pashulka, H. Trachuk, M. Hanasyk, H. Jaremco, I. Karpchuk, A. Zazuliak, N. Babyn, I. Wynnyk, E. Zuk, E. Wasylik, V. Syvenky and F. Lesyk. The cemetery was started on the farm of Ivan Hanasyk. It is important here to mention Mr. Ivan Hanasyk and his wife Katherine, who were outstanding parishioners. Although they were poor with many small children, they always opened their home to the clergy for overnight stays. The church burned down on August 21, 1989, and many historic sources were lost. The first missionary, Fr. Joseph Tymochko, celebrated the Divine Liturgy on December 1, 1908 in the house of Ivan Hanasyk. Bishop Nykyta Budka visited the parish in 1915 and Bishop Vasyl Ladyka in 1936 and 1941.

From 1910 the following Basilian clergy served the community: Fr. Ivan Tymochko, Fr. Naucratius Kryzanowsky, Fr. Matthew Hura, Fr. Basil Ladyka, Fr. Ksenofont Rozdolsky, Fr. Josaphat Tymochko, Fr. Porphyrius Bodnar, Fr. Sophron Diakowich, Fr. Paul Olinsky, Fr. Damascene Popovych, Fr. George Zydan, Fr. Paul Hewko, Fr. Joseph Senkiw, Fr. Theodosius Dobko, Fr. Ambrose Wynnyk, Fr. Andrew Truch, Fr. Neil Savaryn, Fr. Isidore Kohut, Fr. Volodymyr Shewchuk, Fr. Markian Pasichnyk and Fr. Methodius Hannas.

Eparchial clergy have served the faithful since 1948: Fr. John Cherkawsky (1948-1985), Fr. Joseph Royer (1985-1992), Fr. Mark Bayrock (1992-1993), Fr. Roman Dobriansky (1994-1998), Deacon Richard Nibogie (1998-2000), Deacon Ed Lemko (2000), Fr. Slavko Dumeč (2000-2008), Fr. Vasyl Nykyforuk (2008- ).