Parish: St. Anthony of Kyiv
Location: New Pine Creek, Alberta
St. ANTHONY of Kyiv Parish – Парафія св. Антонія Печерського
Location: NE Sec. 24, T.63, R. 22, W4M; municipality of Meanook. 40 km. from Athabasca and 22 km. from Colinton. First Divine Liturgy was celebrated in 1932 in the house of Mykhaylo Nimko by Fr. Theodor Dobko, OSBM. The church (34’ x 15’) was built in 1945 on the 2-acre parcel donated by Anton Nalesnyk in 1933. Founders of the parish were: Mykhaylo Nimko, Omelian Mykhayliuk, Anton Nalysnyk, Dmytro Pidhirnyi, Oleksa Podyo, Franko Adamkevych, Hryhoriy Beresten, Mykola Voznyi, Petro Khomiy, Mykhaylo Adamkevych, Ivan Adamkevych, Vasyl Nalysnyk. Later to join the parish were the following families: Andriy Ivanykha, Dmytro Yavnyi, Volodymyr Yavnyi, and Mykola Gidora. The church construction was done by: Oleksa Podyo, Hryhoriy Beresten, and Mykhaylo Adamkevych and the final price was $2,000.00.
The following Basilian Fathers were visiting the community: Fr. Theodozy Dobko, Fr. Methodius Hannas, Fr. Juvenalis Slota, Fr. Gregory Chmilar, Fr. Ireneus Procenty. Later the Eparchial clergy looked after the parish: Fr. Stephen Chabursky, Fr. Bohdan Lozynsky, Fr. Peter Petryshyn (1953-1968) and Fr. Bohdan Karychek (1969-1975). Many times a year the services had to be canceled due to poor road conditions. The younger generation was leaving the district in great numbers, so the community was diminishing rapidly. The grave services continue at the church cemetery to this day.