Parish: Descent of the Holy Spirit
Location: Darling, Alberta
DESCENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT [Holy Ghost] Parish – Парафія Зіслання Святого Духа
Location: 9 km. east from Newbrook. The church (30’x 24’) was completed in 1938. Attached to the church there are 2 acres of land for the cemetery. Stefan Chvyl incorporated the church on July 17, 1936. Basilian priests that served the community: Fr. Damascene Popovych, Fr. Paul Olinsky, Fr. Methodius Hannas, and Fr. Juvenalis Slota. From 1958 Fr. Peter Moysiuk served the community; in the early 1980s Fr. Basil Woloshyn, Fr. David Motiuk. From that time the Parish priests of the Redwater district look after the parish needs: Fr. Anton Tarasenko (1984-1994); Fr. Serhiy Harahuc (1994-1999); Fr. Janko Herbut
(2000-2008), Fr. Stanislav Bjeli (2008-2013), Fr. Slavko Dumeč (2013-).