The purpose of this collection is to support the needs of the Church in Canada.

Three charitable institutions are the recipients of the collection: the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Alberta, Catholic Missions in Canada, and the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The Ukrainian Catholic Church in Alberta responds to the call of Christ to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28: 19-20). The Eparchy of Edmonton supports local priests in their travel, health care, pension, and clergy substitution, thus ensuring that they can respond to the pastoral needs of the faithful, especially the celebration of the Divine Liturgy and funerals in rural Alberta. Visit www.eeparchy.com to see how the Church is working for you.

Catholic Missions in Canada supports over 600 missionaries — priests, deacons, sisters, brothers, and lay ministers — throughout 27 eparchies and dioceses right here in Canada, including the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Catholic Missions supports the local churches in our call to proclaim the Gospel among Firsts Nations communities, missionary support, religious education programs, building, and repairs, lay pastoral leadership programs, and education of seminarians. To learn more about the work of Catholic Missions in Canada visit (www.cmic.info) and sign up for a free subscription to its quarterly magazine by calling toll-free 1-866-937-2642.

Each year the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops is asked to speak out, give leadership, and provide guidelines for the faithful on a wide variety of topics in our daily lives. For our bishops to do so, they must have the benefit of research and expert advice. Research and gathering information requires staff, time, and money. Through the yearly bishops’ collection, an appeal is made to all Catholics to be generous towards the work of their bishops. To learn more about the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, visit www.cccb.ca.

Thank you for your generosity! May God bless you and your families!


Christ died for our sins on the life-giving wood of the Cross. His message of love, mercy, and forgiveness is needed ever more in our broken world. As Christians, we are called to continue Jesus ‘ mission of spreading the Good News, each according to our ability and means.

Concretely, the Church invites us to collaborate in the mission of the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, by giving generously to the following international collections.

Peter’s Pence — Peter’s Pence, also known as “Pope’s Pastoral Works” or “Papal Charities,” is the name given to the financial support offered by the faithful to the Holy Father for those in need. A disastrous flood or earthquake strikes a nation at the other end of the world. Immediately many countries rush in food, medicine, blankets, money, and trained people. Prominent among such aid is the financial help offered by the Holy Father. In the name of Catholics everywhere, the Pope displays Christ’s love and compassion for those who suffer in times of disaster.

World Mission Fund Some 80 years ago, the Holy Father instituted an annual observance of reflecting on and praying for the missions. The faithful are invited to contribute to a collection for the work of evangelization around the world. Funds collected are made available to the Universal Solidarity Fund administered by the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith, which distributes these funds to the young churches in mission lands, especially the poorest.

Collection for the Holy Land — Each year, the Congregation for the Eastern Churches, in the name of the Holy Father, draws attention to the Christian community in the Holy Land, who continue to aspire for peace and tranquility. Our financial support helps to safeguard the Holy Sites, offer worship, assist pilgrims and augment apostolic works.

Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) — For more than 75 years, CNEWA, a papal agency for humanitarian and pastoral support, has been a lifeline for those in need throughout the Middle East, Northeast Africa, India, and Eastern Europe. Its mandate is: to support the pastoral mission and institutions of the Eastern Catholic Churches; to provide humanitarian assistance to those in need without regard to nationality or creed; to promote Christian unity and interreligious understanding and collaboration; and to educate people in the West about the history, cultures, peoples, and churches of the East (www.cnewa.org).

Aid to the Church in Ukraine The Church in Ukraine continues to develop and grow following many years of persecution. It requires our generous support in the following areas:

  • Aid to the Church in Ukraine (general needs) (ugcc.org.ua)
  • Annual Synod of bishops (to assist in the various bishop-synodal commissions, including, liturgy, theology, ecumenism, and the promotion of causes of saints)
  • Andrew’s Pence (discretionary fund for His Beatitude Lubomyr to provide missionary aid where the Ukrainian Catholic Church lacks bishops, parishes, and church infrastructure, for example, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Portugal, Spain, etc.)
  • Building of the Patriarchal Sobor-Cathedral of the Resurrection of Our Lord, Kyiv
  • Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv (ucu.edu.ua; www.ucef.ca)

Thank you for your generosity! May God bless you and your families!



During the month of September, the Eparchy of Edmonton conducts its annual Vocations and Seminary Collection.

“It takes a whole village to raise a child.” It likewise takes the support of the whole Church to form a deacon, priest, religious, monastic, and lay member for ministry in the Church. It also takes our support to offer ongoing education and formation for those already in sacred orders or involved in lay ministry.

The faithful can acknowledge the role they play in nurturing vocations by offering their financial support to help defray such expenses as formation programs, retreats, conferences, seminars, tuition, books, and room and board.

The collection supports Holy Spirit Seminary, Ottawa; the Basilian House of Studies, Edmonton; the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate Novitiate, Winnipeg; Clergy Study Days; and the Eparchial Diaconal and Lay Ministry Formation Programs;

The collection also assists the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies, Ottawa, which serves the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada by providing academic and spiritual formation for our future Church leaders.

Thank you for your generosity! May God bless you and your families!



Today is our annual Bishop’s Appeal.

It coincides with the Feast of Saint Nicholas, the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra, who is one of the saints most beloved by Christian people. After all, he is the original Father Christmas.

Saint Nicholas is uniquely tied to Christmas, the celebration of Jesus’ birth. Early stories about Saint Nicholas carry with them the Nativity themes of love and justice. Love and justice are what Saint Nicholas is all about. He is characterized as a generous and pious servant of God, caring for children and families, and providing gifts for their spiritual and physical well-being.

And that’s what the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton is all about (www.eeparchy.ca). Caring and providing for the faithful throughout the Province of Alberta.

Help Bishop David and those who collaborate with him in spreading the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by giving generously in support of our Eparchial ministries and offices, including Youth Ministry, Family Life Ministries, Religious Education, Liturgy Office, Vocations, Ecumenism, Social Outreach, and Marriage Tribunal.

With Christmas on our doorstep, one of the holiest times of the year, and in the spirit of Saint Nicholas, what gift do you bring now to the infant Jesus, who lays quietly and peacefully in a manger?

Come, All Ye Faithful, let us go with the shepherds to adore the Christ-Child. Let us rejoice and praise God for unto us a child is born. God is with us!

Thank you for your generosity! May God bless you and your families!