What is communications? 

The objective of communications is creating activities and strategies that spread the message of the organization, as well as solicit donations and call for volunteers. In the case of a parish communications volunteer, it is their job to help share the parish mission with the internal and external parish community. They can achieve this through a variety of different strategies. In the private sector, people involved in communications often have marketing, public relations, or communications background. The communications department is the department responsible for growth of the organization. 

What is a communications coordinator?

The benefit of having someone dedicated as your communications coordinator is to establish a strategy and plan that facilitates parish growth, health, and development of the church. Their role is to ensure that the overall vision of the church is being effectively communicated internally and externally. Everything your church does or says is communications, so it is vital that everything your church communicates aligns with the overall parish mission. An effective communications coordinator understands how to reach people both inside your pews and outside your pews and can relate to each. If you have a parish team with separate individuals who run your mailing list, bulletins, and social media, it is their job to ensure all individuals are informed and will help promote parish activities and events. 

How a Communications Person in Your Parish is Vital

Depending on the needs of the parish, a specific volunteer for communications should be a top position in parish council. A communications role will achieve; 

  • Deliver vital information to your parishioners in the most effective way. 
  • Public relations; having a communications person would also help with communicating information outside of your parish, promoting parish events and organizations that lead to evangelizing to new audiences and a long-term growth in parish membership.  
  • A communications coordinator helps coordinate traditional communications (posters, brochures, bulletins, mail), digital communications (social media, websites, email, video, photography, podcasts), and parish identity (parish logos, colours, mission, slogans, presentation, public relations, and outreach campaigns). 

How do I find a Communications Coordinator?

First, you need to identify the needs of your parish and it’s capacity. A small parish will have a very different need in communications than a large parish will have. Write down the top areas of improvement you’d like your parish to improve in communications. Then you will need to find an individual or a team of individuals to help with your new team. If you are a large parish, it is suggested that you divide up roles into a team of individuals to avoid volunteer fatigue.  

We can help with your training. 

Through our Eparchial Communications department, you can ask any questions or seek advice for effective parish communications. Parish Hub will be a new great source that will have informative articles on best parish communications methods and will help with training your parish in effective communications.